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If I were to ask you….

Credits: Image Source If I were to ask you: “What is the Internet for?”, what would you say? I would say something like this – “Well, the internet is a platform for people to share ideas and experiences about the topics that interests them.”. That is essentially what the internet is for isn’t it? To share. However, because of copyright laws, sharing is often in conflict with the unrestricted access and reuse of information online (a.k.a Open Access). Continue reading →

Nooooooo!! My brand new shirt has holes in it!

Credits: Stephanie Mcmillan There are so many ethical issues out there regarding social media. Many of them come from the ignorance of the people using social media itself – us. How often do we really consider the consequences of what happens after we press the share button? The internet live stats website actually has a live counter that shows us the total number of internet users in the world (currently at about 3 billion) and how it is still constantly increasing by the minute. Continue reading →

Reflection Section Collection!! (Topic 3)

Credits: via Fumaga #truestory We are all about to venture into Topic 4! But before that happens, it’s time to do yet another reflection! :) At the end of this topic, I still highly stand my ground that CONSISTENCY and AUTHENTICITY is key when it comes to creating a good profile. Employers prefer looking at profiles which have credibility and that are easy to identify with. Continue reading →


What makes us stand out from the 5.4 million other Singaporeans out there? They may not all be fighting with us for the same jobs, but in such a competitive country such as ours, what can we do in order to be that ‘outstanding’ one? Credits: themetapicture According to the Oxford Dictionary (2014), the definition of authentic is, “Of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine”.  Sounds easy but yet so difficult to achieve. Continue reading →

Charmaine Marn, marnmon or both?

Credits : privacymemes via Tumblr Online identity is the same as our birthnames, except that it is something that we chose ourselves and is used to identity ourselves when we go online. As you can tell from the title, my online identity is marnmon, as it is the username that I go by online, including twitter and instagram. Let’s first start with the pros and cons that I personally feel are present in having multiple online identities. Continue reading →