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Laravel – What is automatic resolution?

What does automatic resolution actually refer to? Well, it is not that complicated. It simply means: Automatic dependencies injection. In other words, passing argument into a function, that’s it.   You can think it from another way round, Constructor injection means passing argument into a new object constructor. e.g. passing argument to public function __construct() And method injection signifies passing dependencies through to a method call. Continue reading →

Laravel Collective – Form Components

The form builder provided by Laravel Collective actually makes building forms easier and more manageable. Let’s take a look at how to make use of it in our Laravel project. Steps: Laravel Collective ( Composer require “laravelcollective/html”:”^5.4.0″ Add your new provider to the providers array of config/app.php: 'providers' => [ // ... Collective\Html\HtmlServiceProvider::class, // ... Continue reading →

My Journey Has Just Begun!

(Self-produced) “Our access to knowledge has never been more effortless or free. ” (Danielle Chan,2016) The way individuals take in and absorb new information has dramatically changed since the introduction of the Internet. Being a digital native born in the digital era, deriving and exploiting the benefits of the vast amount of beneficial contents online would rather be part of our responsibility to nurture and sustain lifelong learning to keep up with the ever-changing world. Continue reading →

LUNA 2017-11-22 11:15:06

My minds and perspectives have always been broaden by my fellow classmates’ blogs and comments as well as triggered me to deepened my thoughts in relation to the issues below.  Jian Wen and Wesley both highlighted in their posts that Anonymity allows irresponsible commenting which might lead to cyberbullying. (source) They have intrigued me to consider the serious consequence of Cyberbullying and how it has become increasingly problematic in the digital era. Continue reading →