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Final Reflection : The Beginning of My Real Journey

At first, I was hesitant of whether I could learn effectively from this online module. Over years of formal education, I had only been familiar with Behaviourism type of learning. Learning passively through lessons conducted by teachers in traditional classrooms. Occasionally, there would be an Experiential type of learning, where students learn on their own through discovery while being guided by a teacher. But that was pretty much it. Continue reading →

Single or Multiple Online Identities?

Image created by Evelyn Lo via Canva. Information sourced from Jessica Vitak and  The debate over having one or multiple identities online might appear as a result of social phenomenon called Context Collapse, in which diverse groups of people become a single mass of online audience. One person usually holds many different roles ; they might be a student, daughter, friend, and employee, all at once. For each role, the person attaches a particular identity to it. Continue reading →

Can You Detect False Information When You See It?

Statistics taken from In this digital era, with widespread use of the Web as a regular source of information, and almost anyone being able to not only instantly receive, but also easily create and share all kinds of information to the world, the common existence and devastating outcome of false information should not be underestimated and the skill to accurately filter facts becomes a necessity. Continue reading →

TOPIC 1 – The Impact of Digital Differences on Interaction with the Web

For most of us online users, the Web has become an integral part of our daily lives. We spend a big chunk of our time carrying different tasks with the help of some digital tools. However, we often assume that everyone else has fairly the same level of access to online platform. In reality, social differences largely determines a person’s interaction with the Web.  For one instance, people who live in rural areas tend to have less access to the internet. Continue reading →

Digital Visitor vs Digital Resident – Introductory Topic

The generation based concept of Digital Immigrant and Digital Native proposed by Marc Prensky has been challenged and replaced by White and Le Cornu’s Digital Visitor and Digital Resident framework. Digital Visitors are described as those who use digital platforms with specific goals in mind, thus they use digital platforms only as tools to achieve their targets and finish their tasks without leaving much or any digital trace behind. Continue reading →

About Myself

Hi there and welcome to my blog, especially created for this module, Living and Working on the Web. I’m very excited to start writing again and to further develop my digital literacy skills through this project. Before I start with my upcoming posts, please let me introduce myself My full name is Evelyn Lo and I am the youngest out of 4 children in my family. I was born on a Tuesday evening, 21 years ago in Jakarta, Indonesia. Continue reading →