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#MANG2049: Review of Day 1 Great to meet you all on #Hangout1 earlier :-) This post is just to summarise where we have now got to, and highlight what you should be working on before #Hangout2 . It was good to see so many enthusiastic tweets and contributions at this early stage - keep them coming! 1. Read my two introductory blogposts and the resources linked from them. 2. Continue reading →

Welcome to Living and Working on the Web #MANG2049

We hope you enjoy the module. I’m sure it will be quite a different learning experience for you :-) This post contains important information and useful links. Please read it carefully… There will be a Google Hangout every day at 15.30 (Singapore time) to make sure you are on track and answer any questions you may have. There will be various guest participants to these Hangouts through the course. Continue reading →

Hangout11: summary and next steps

Here is the recording of today's hangout - with special guests Evan and Ben. Thanks again to you both :-) It is good to see so much interaction on twitter and blog comments between you all and the UK students - keep it up! We discussed the feedback on your topic 4 posts, and don't forget that tonight is the deadline for finishing topic 5. Then you just have your final posts to submit by next Wednesday, 17th. Continue reading →