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In the Digital world, are you a Resident or Visitor?

“Digital Natives”Ā areĀ a generation that has grown up in theĀ digital age using technology devices such asĀ computers, video cams, cell phones. The ease with the use of technology can be compared to a nativeā€™s comfort with their mother language. They are proficient at interacting with technology and often rely on it to access information. “Digital Immigrants”,Ā those born before 1980 are not effortlessly proficient in modern technology. Continue reading →

Now, letā€™s talk about my Digital Profile.

Although I’ve did a really short self test on my digital literacy but it was a great reflection! Therefore… BEHOLD, I will be sharing on my strengths and weaknesses: I have pretty good experience inĀ accessing, managing and evaluating online information because as a Republic Polytechnic student previously for 3 years, what I faced almost for every lesson was my laptop and what IĀ did is all about researching and digging out information online. Continue reading →

Warm Welcome

  Hello friends! MANG2049 has just started! Are you as excited as me? Especially for a new learning system through online! A little introduction about me? Oh well, I’m Ming Ru, you can call me Zoie. Born in Malaysia but sent to a little red dot (Singapore) since I’m 90 days old. Grew up in a family of 4 and as a church kid. Currently having my final lap of educationĀ at SIM-UOSMS. Yes, I’ve made it to an UNIVERSITY. Continue reading →