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Footprints & Reflections

The Journey Having been part of the digital age, I thought I was well equipped for the digital world. Until this module, I was proven utterly wrong! Indeed learning is a continuous process, this module helped me understand the intricacies of the digital world, having to balance personal and professional, ethical and unethical, social and private, and many more. I am definitely not the best equipped for the digital world, but I am certainly better equipped and more aware than I first started. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Topic 5

(Image: Geek Culture, 2011) Open access – users of the content and producers of the content. In my previous post, I discussed the issue from both perspectives and compared the pros and cons of open access. After reading through the blogs of my peers, I found more pointers on the pros and cons of open access that were not captured earlier and summarised them below. Continue reading →

Open Access

(Image: Hochstenbach, 2012) Open Access Gone are the days of having to live life in the library, flipping through the thick encyclopedias. With today’s digital technology, almost any information can be easily found with a simple click. This has been enabled through open access. Everyone, from all walks of life – students, teachers, scientists, employers, producers and publishers access the internet for various purposes and information. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Topic 4

As social media is now widely used by people around the world, and with technology ever evolving, businesses and education are jumping on the bandwagon, mining on the ‘gold’ of social media. Inevitably, ethical issues arise. The below shows some of the ethical issues raised by the class: (Image: Information summarised from classmates blog posts, own graphics, 2016) Business and Social Media Ethical Issues There are several ethical business issues with regards to the use of social media. Continue reading →

Social Media And Ethical Issues

What is Ethics? (Image: Screenshot of the definition of ethic, Jay Shepherd, author of the book Firing at Will: A Manager’s Guide, on unethical behaviour “It’s like pornography: You know it when you see it. It’s as simple as knowing the right thing to do, then doing the wrong thing.” (Lauby, 2012) Social media and ethics In pace with the increase in usage of social media, more ethical issues ensue. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Topic 3

(Image: A screenshot of the list of social media platforms from the most frequently used to the least, on my own phone, own image, 2016) What I got from readings, research, and class post This topic of discussion certainly brought up many guidelines on the Dos and Don’ts to creating an authentic personal professional profile online. However one point that struck me was the increasing number of employers conduct background checks of their prospective and existing employees. Continue reading →

Be Your Own Brand

(Image: Khanna,2015) Rebecca Crowley, CEO of innovative RTC Publicity shared her insights “There are fewer jobs and more candidates than ever before. Standing apart from the crowd becomes of the utmost importance”. (Huffman, 2011) Building our brand image professionally online to stand out from the crowd goes back to the management of our identities on social media and how we can package it all into a holistic personal brand. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Topic 2

Personal identities, online and in the real world. No matter how many partial identities one have, they all add up to a single person’s identity. While browsing through the thoughts shared by other classmates, there are varying views and perspectives on the pros and cons, or the like or dislikes in the social media world, of having multiple online identities. Continue reading →

Multi-facets, One identity

(Image: Gerardo Obieta, 2009) Who am I? To my mother, I am her little baby girl. At the gym, I am a ‘hamster’ like the rest on the treadmill. To the cupcakes, I am an artist pipping their icing to perfection. In school, I am a student. Many facets, but they make up a single me. Complicated enough in the real world, what more the online world. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Topic 1

Prior to this topic, such terms – digital natives/immigrants, digital visitors/residents are pretty much foreign to me. To me, I loosely classify individuals who adopt technology and know their way around the digital world as someone who is technologically savvy while those who are unable to handle and navigate technology as someone who is not savvy with technology. Continue reading →