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As the saying goes, all great things must eventually come to an end.

A month of school without having the need to be in school has been a hell of a ride – mostly joy, of course. Without needing to wake up early and travel halfway across the country for school certainly allowed me to fully maximize the time on hand to juggle my schedule while getting work done in time. The thought of the freedom to be anywhere, and everywhere while the module was being carried out excited me, as it was always an adventure thinking of places to go. Continue reading →

Behind Closed Doors

After reading Adriel’s and Michelle’s blog, they’ve broadened my knowledge in finer details in some of the aspects that make up to unauthentic content online. In the case of Adriel, Adriel zoomed into the different kinds of fake news, categorized them into mainly Satire, Propaganda, Clickbait, Conspiracy Theory and Misleading or Out of Context information. Continue reading →

The Sea of “Digital Differences”

Having read Helena’s and Yuping’s blog posts, my perspective on digital difference shifted as they provided multiple insightful differences, some of which are ones that I was familiar with and some of which has never crossed my mind. My discussion with them also probed me to think further, where I uncovered even more insights, which ultimately led me to see clearly that in the sea of digital differences, there are too many to count, making them almost infinite. Continue reading →

Topic 1: The impact of my “Digital Differences” on how I interact with the Web.

It is flawed thinking to assume that internet usage is the same for everybody in terms of availability, accessibility and usage ability etc. (Halford, Professor Susan, et al) Digital differences can lie in different demographics/ psychographics factors, which may influence different internet usage. Let me discuss some of these digital differences through my personal experience on interacting with the Web. Aged 20, I belong to the millennial group term. Continue reading →


According to Chris Wilson, via Definitions: Digital Visitors A digital visitor is someone who uses the digital technology and the internet for a specific task. Such as searching for the answer to a question, or uploading a video. In this sense, they are visiting the internet to do a task and then leave. Digital Resident A digital resident uses the internet to connect or be with other people. Continue reading →