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Closing to My MANG2049 Journey

This has indeed been a very enlightening journey. The take-aways are abundant and invaluable! Here’s my latest Digital Literacy Results against how I previously fared: Previously, I never question the information I found online – especially statistics. However, after learning about cyber-shilling and cyber-bashing, I understand that “Statistics” can be manipulated, and our impressions influenced. Continue reading →

Reflection on Open-access to Content, Do I Feel the Same About it as Before?

Cruising through WordPress, I enjoyed reading about some friends who support open-access, while others argued from the stand of protecting the interests of the producer. What really resonated with me were the points beneath: While I did explore the pros and cons of open-access to content producers, a point I failed to consider was plagiarism, which Andrea  thoughtfully touched on. Continue reading →

Open Access – Are you For it, or Against it?

Image Source As a University student faced with reports, projects and a dissertation, the thought of filtering through heavy research and readings can be a drag. However, an absolute frustration is when we finally found suitable content online, yet come up against a paywall. Ever felt this way? I would think so. Paywalls are getting increasingly popular and will continue to be on the rise – 90% of online content will be held behind a paywall in the near future (Stephen Lepitak, 2013). Continue reading →

Reflection of the Ethical Issues of Social Media

I am enlightened to a few interesting ideas through reading other blogs, and would like to share about them, although they are from a business angle, contrary to what I embarked on. Vanna shared about bashing – paying to get falsified positive reviews on your product/services and negative feedback on competitor’s. This is a growing phenomenon in the competitive business world as ethics are shelved aside in an attempt to gain an upperhand over the consumer market. Continue reading →

Educational Use of Social Media: An Ethical Issue from this Exposure

Of the various ethical issues raised by educational use of social media, one I find particularly essential to discuss in depth is the issue of bullying. While the use of social media for educational purposes is increasingly popular, alike what we are doing for this module, there is an obvious growth in the participation of online bullying as well. 1 million children were cyber-bullied on just Facebook alone in the past year (Consumer Reports, 2011). Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Developing a Professional Online Profile

Image Source: In my post, I highlighted 4 main steps to developing a professional online profile – many which my classmates also validated the importance in their posts. However, there were a few fresh ideas that intrigued me, which I previously failed to address. More focus was observed to be put specifically on blogging as a means of creating an online presence. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Summary of Assuming Multiple Online Identities

Having read through the different views my classmates have in argument of whether they are standing for multiple online identities, or just for a single one, was extremely thought-provoking. For one, Patrick’s discussion on how businesses can capitalise on gaining extremely valuable insight to what consumers need through data-mining highlighted a point that I had unfortunately overlooked. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflective Summary on Digital Visitors and Digital Residents

Having read through a few of my classmates’ take on the topic of Digital Visitors and Digital Residents, I am encouraged to explore these few points that were made: Crystal’s post definitely left me with new insights on my take on the topic – do we really have distinct roles as either a Digital Visitor or Digital Resident? This point was further emphasised by Audrey’s comment which highlights that our role in the digital world really depends on what our primary motivation is,... Continue reading →