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Topic 3: Reflection

Realised I missed out a lot of points after reading the blog posts by my classmates...In my post, I only focused mostly on what to include in the online profile but missed out on how to make it attractive. I came across Jasmine's blog post and the video on "How to keep your social media attractive to employers", it stated that one way is to be strategic with whom you allow in your network. I can use social media to make connections and interact with professionals. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Developing an authentic online professional profile

Discuss the ways which an authentic online professional profile can be developed.Due to globalisation, competition among companies are more intense, hence, they want to source for the best talents. Companies noticed that recruiting the right people is the key to success. To achieve that, companies look for talents online to reach out to more potential candidates globally. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Developing an authentic online professional profile

Discuss the ways which an authentic online professional profile can be developed.Due to globalisation, competition among companies are more intense, hence, they want to source for the best talents. Companies noticed that recruiting the right people is the key to success. To achieve that, companies look for talents online to reach out to more potential candidates globally. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Venezia and Sheryl. I have learnt so much from your comments and other blog posts. Response to Venezia:I am glad we both share the same thought! Yeah, even though i do not post such funny images or snippets of myself, i do not feel comfortable when I know my bosses have access to my personal account. I also agree that showing the less serious side of us may affect on our impressions towards the higher management. Interesting. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Venezia and Sheryl. I have learnt so much from your comments and other blog posts. Response to Venezia:I am glad we both share the same thought! Yeah, even though i do not post such funny images or snippets of myself, i do not feel comfortable when I know my bosses have access to my personal account. I also agree that showing the less serious side of us may affect on our impressions towards the higher management. Interesting. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Managing Your Online Identity

Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity.In today's digital world, there are many social media sites that are being introduced frequently. Over the years, I created accounts in all these social media sites and thus, lead to multiple identities. Everyone has different sides on them on different social networking sites. The most obvious one would be the professional and social. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Managing Your Online Identity

Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity.In today's digital world, there are many social media sites that are being introduced frequently. Over the years, I created accounts in all these social media sites and thus, lead to multiple identities. Everyone has different sides on them on different social networking sites. The most obvious one would be the professional and social. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection

Thank you Sheryl and Venezia for your detailed comments! :)I am definitely a digital visitor because i share minimal information and only visit the website when i have something to do. I have accounts on twitter, facebook, and blogger but i do not use them often. I logon to twitter once in while to get updates on the news and also my friends' lives. As for facebook and blogger, i have never posted any updates about my personal stuff. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital “Visitors” and Digital “Residents”

The notion of ‘digital natives’ (young people who have grown up in the digital world and hence are expert users of technology) is often contrasted in the popular press with ‘digital immigrants’ (older people who struggle to master these new norms and behaviours). Digging a little deeper, however, tends to show that there is both expertise (and lack of it) at all age groups. Continue reading →

Self Test

Digital Profile - Self Test at start of moduleScale of 1 – 5 (where 1 is no experience, and 5 is very experienced) how you would rate your current level of digital literacy against the following criteria:Accessing, managing and evaluating online informationRating at start of module: 3Comments: As a student of the 21st century, we are often required to do research online for our assignments. Continue reading →