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Whoo, setting up this blog for a school module ‘Living & Working on Web’. HaveĀ been wanting to try online writing, so I guess this’s a good chance for me to get started! Before we begin, here’s just to share my current level of digital literacy: (1.0 being no experience at all; 5.0 being very experienced) Accessing, evaluating, and managing online information 2.0 Participating in online communities 3.0 Building online networks around an area of interest 1. Continue reading →

The Visitor-Resident Continuum

First up, whoā€™s a digital visitor and whoā€™s a digital resident? Ever scroll through your Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook feed and see the same friends or influentials updating their statuses and sharing photos of what they are up to, how theyā€™re looking that day, and whatever-not? And if youā€™re thinking ā€œI do those too!ā€, then you are what we call the ā€˜digital residentsā€™. As the term suggests, digital residents practically live online. Continue reading →


It has been quite an interesting start to this module ā€“ understanding how online users can be defined based on their behaviors, and learning where our classmates put themselvesĀ along the visitor-resident continuum. Never had I given any thoughts about the behaviors of online users and always assumedĀ that everyone is a digital resident since we are in the digital age. Itā€™s all good now that Iā€™m able to identify and differentiate. Continue reading →