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Final Assessed Post: It’s Not Quite The End #MANG2049

Source: Learning and Working on the Web has indeed been an extraordinary learning experience. Prior to this, any Web activities were merely for communication or assignments and projects’ research that were just the peak of an amazing technological scene. I’m grateful to have gained a deeper understanding of what it’s truly like being online through the constructive feedback and patience given by my peers, Lisa, Sarah and Nicholas. Continue reading →

Final Assessed Post: It’s Not Quite The End #Mang2049

Source: Learning and Working on the Web has indeed been a extraordinary learning experience. Prior to this, any Web activities were merely for communication or assignments and projects’ research that were just the peak of an amazing technological scene. I’m grateful to have gained a deeper understanding of what it’s truly like being online through the constructive feedback and patience given by my peers, Lisa, Sarah and Nicholas. Continue reading →

Reflection On Topic 5: The Pros & Cons Of Open Access

Source: After reading my course mates’ posts on Open Access, I have better understanding of how the access can affect both content producers and a wide range of users. In my post, I concentrated on educational and academic aspects, but my friends’ posts have caused me to consider another group of people that are also affected by open access- music producers. Continue reading →

Topic 5: The Pros & Cons Of Open Access

Source: As University students, we’re swamped with assignments that require huge amounts of research that’ll aid us in our module. With advanced technology, we have academic materials ready at our fingertips, up till we find a suitable article before a prompt for subscription fee to enter. Open access means having materials at no cost with access to immediate published versions together and full re-use rights. Continue reading →

Reflection On Topic 4: Blurred Lines Between Ethical Use Of Social Media

Credits: Honestly, I found topic 4’s question to be rather heavy. As the general topic seems pretty broad, it was indeed a different experience as we all got to write from different aspects about ethical issues. Differing from what I covered in my post, Gin wrote about the ethical issue of A/B testing among companies and their consumers. In 2012, there was uproar as Facebook tweaked the algorithm for an experiment on users without consent. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Blurred Lines Between Ethical Use Of Social Media

Source: Nowadays, the Internet is used in the workplace so much that it’s almost considered a necessity. This brings pros and cons in aiding company’s operations but may affect employees’ productivity. While working, employees tend to get distracted by their own accounts every now and then. I believe, many of us, would have checked Facebook at least once throughout the working day. Continue reading →

Reflection On Topic 3: Is Social Media Becoming The New Resume?

Source: Topic 3 has indeed, proved that technology has come so far affecting the chances of job positions based on how we’ll be assessed, even before meeting the interviewer. Hence, it is important that we keep authentic professional profiles of ourselves and what is displayed on the Internet. Mentioned on Wendy’s blog, blogging is at a low 7% among the types of recruitment methods like LinkedIn and Facebook. Continue reading →

Reflection On Topic 2: Is Having More Than One Identity Good?

Source: We’re now on to our 2nd topic and it has indeed, been pretty fun discovering and learning about the personas that we have online. Seemingly like we’re merely owning accounts on different sites, without this module topic to get us thinking, we wouldn’t have realise that we’re splitting ourselves into having multiple online identities. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Is Having More Than One Online Identity Good?

Source: In today’s world, billions of people around the world are able to access the Internet. In fact, studies has shown that there are currently 40% of the world’s population who are connected to the web (Source: Ever since the rapid increase of Internet users over the years, it was only a matter of time before online identities were created, changing the way people communicate, learn, work and connect. Continue reading →