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The grand finale.

Well, so what has this module taught me? I cannot even begin to describe how much I have learnt from this module but if I had to describe this experience in three words, they would be ABUNDANCE, DIVERSITY and CONNECTIVITY. Though I have always known that digital media plays a huge role in staying connected and building relationships and networks across the globe, I never really gave much thought to building my digital profile as I thought it was not necessary to do so. Continue reading →

Key Takeaways: Yes to open access!

It was interesting to watch the videos that my peers created and one key issue that many pointed out was the sustainability of open access in the long run. Both Sherdale and Zoie have the same stand that open access should be supported as not everyone can afford to pay for resources and I definitely am on the same page as them. I agree that “learning is sharing” (Sherdale, 2014) and open access “helps in the development of knowledge” (Zoie,2014). Continue reading →

Open access, yay/nay?

I am sure most of us out there use the Internet for learning and research purposes, be it for school or work. Ever since the birth of Internet, our lives have been made easier. Before dwelling deeper into today’s topic, do check out the short clip that I created as an overview of what I am about to discuss. What is open access? It is “the free, immediate, availability on the public Internet of those works which scholars give to the world without expectation of payment . Continue reading →

Key Takeaways: The after effects of social media

Social media was initially created for us to connect and voice our thoughts but ever since its existence, our lives have been put out there for the world to see. It is not just about the fact that what you say online remains online for the world to see but also the harsh reality of having ZERO PRIVACY. Both Yu Ting and Yvonne brought up the fact that companies tend to ignore privacy when it comes to securing business. Continue reading →

The abuse of social media at work

With increasing use of social media in the working world today, the chances of it being inappropriately handled only gets higher with each passing day. The convenience that Internet provides makes it a whole lot easier to find out who did what on the net and things others said that might be inappropriate. The key issue that I would like to address is DEFAMATION. Be it intentional or not, defamation is one of the most common issues that companies face today. Continue reading →

Key Takeaways: So are you a true professional?

(FunFilms,2014) Previously, I discussed various ways to develop an authentic online professional profile as well as the importance of authenticity. After reading through a few other posts, I am glad that some of my classmates share the same sentiments as me on certain aspects. Evelina had an interesting concept of comparing the lack on a digital profile to someone “without a passport and an identity” (Evelina,2014). Continue reading →

Are you a professional on the web?

Do you still remember back in the days where your Curriculum Vitae (CV) was just plain old black and white? Well, if you were to submit that kind of CV to your potential employer today, you most probably would not even be shortlisted. Want to get hired? Take a look at the following Curriculum Vitae Interactive Video (CVIV):  (Anthony, 2010) Well, most of you would recognise this video at a glance. Yes, that’s right, it was shown to us during our HRM module. Continue reading →

Key Takeaways: For or against?

After reading through a couple of my peers’ posts, I realised that there is no right or wrong answer as to whether one should have one or more than one identity. It all boils down to every individual and the extent that they are comfortable with sharing their information online. What I like about Tor’s post is that he managed to point out that many people these days create multiple identities as it allows them to be more honest about their opinions. Continue reading →

For or against? Where do you stand?

Think the Internet is safe? Watch to find out how your life can be taken over in just seconds! (See how easily freaks can take over your life, 2013) Feeling terrified? Well you should be because I most definitely am! You might think that your online identity can be concealed with fake names and multiple levels of security,but guess what? There are plenty of professionals out there that can easily track you down and steal your identity just like the one shown in the video above! Now back to... Continue reading →

Key Takeaways : Are you a “visitor” or a “resident”?

So what exactly did I gain from this topic? Well, looking through several blogs and comments, it definitely got me thinking A LOT. It was definitely fun and intriguing to read through others’ posts and it almost felt like a mini debate as everyone had their own viewpoint as to who is considered a visitor or a resident. Reading through Ruhuan’s post, I find the concept of “Both digital visitor and resident are not exactly mutually exclusive. Continue reading →