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Hey, I’m a work in progress

“Learning is not restricted to classroom” #MANG2049 has certainly proved the point. Over the span of this module, through research, content curation, sharing and discussion, I am inspired in many ways and motivated to do better. It is interesting to know how beneficial “Living and Working on the Web” could be. Let me bring you through my process of self-discovery and development over the 12 days. Continue reading →

Reflection – Innovation unlocks value

In light of the ongoing debate on Open Access’ (OA) usefulness, many have discussed on its implications. By now, we should have understood the good and bad sides of OA. Source: Sourceable As mentioned in my previous post, despite the negative effects of implementing OA, it could possibly create opportunities for firms to unlock untapped potential. For instance, paywalls restricts users from information and users can only find out if the contents are useful to them after subscribing. Continue reading →

Reflection – Ethical dilemma

Image done by Xinlin This topic is highly debatable, given how broad the term “ethics” can be.  It is interesting to discover what constitutes an ethical/ unethical  behaviour to my peers. Jef‘s post raised concerns that Facebook has been carrying our unethical behaviour which questions the confidentiality of big data. It leaves us feeling vulnerable online, knowing how our information are stored and sold all over. Continue reading →

Are you manipulating me?

Whether we are digital residents or citizens, as users of technology we should practice good ethics online. According to Jerry Lodriguss, ethics are “a set of rules that we invent that define what is good and bad”. With daily interactions occurring on the internet, our decisions can make an impact on others. For instance, the case of Leah Palmer is an example of how social media could go wrong and affect a victim’s reputation online. Continue reading →

Reflection – Details matter too

In my previous post, I suggested treating ourselves as a company, in this way it serves as a guide on how we would build our reputation online, just like how we would market a product to consumers. Upon visiting some of the blogs, I would like to highlight some findings I have discovered that would contribute to developing our digital professional profile. Firstly, the importance of visual content. Yong You‘s post has consistent visual contents capable of retaining my attention. Continue reading →

Time to brand yourself!

In the previous topics discussed, I have highlighted the evolution of Internet has influenced the way people communicate – social media networking facilitates new models of collaboration between consumers and companies (Raji, S., 2015). It is known that companies market their services and products to consumers, the purpose of branding is to stand out and differentiate from the rest. Continue reading →

Reflection – Just be yourself

I have come to a realization, be it by supporting the idea of having single identity or multiple identities online, the risk of facing danger is inevitable. Both the creator or other users may still face privacy issues, moreover authenticity of identity does not restrict to a single identity. Having a single identity does not necessarily mean you are being your “true” self. Similarly, online anonymity does not equate to risk of posing as threat or harm all the time. Continue reading →

Multiple Identities, why not?

Digital technology has influenced the way people interact and communicate information in the society today (Costa, C., & Torrers, R., 2011), where social media platforms allow us to engage with one another (Rosen, L., 2013). Many of us have some sort of online identity, be it for personal reasons, professional associations, social networking and whatnot. Essentially, online identity is the sum of your characteristics and activities  online that differentiates you from others. Continue reading →

Reflective Writing on Topic 1

When I was introduced to this module, I was doubtful about it and thought it was unnecessary to go through the hassle of setting up blogs and new twitter accounts. After attempting the first topic’s discussion, it prompted me with a refreshing learning experience. The ability to think critically and discuss topics online with my peers enable us to spark debate and learn from one another, as opposed to the usual academic essays we have to write for submissions. Continue reading →