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A new typology, or a modernized concept of the old?

The concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” is believed to be an update of the concept of “digital natives and immigrants” introduced by Prensky (2001). A ‘replacement’ as described by David S. White and Alison Le Cornu (2011), would very much suggest that Prensky’s work was absolutely redundant. Although the much-criticized work by Prensky was even questioned by Prensky himself in 2009, there is some validity in his work, to be more precised, at his point of time. Continue reading →

A little bit about…

Hello digital world; visitors and residents! My name is Khairul Fahmi. If you are reading this right now, you are probably doing the same thing as I am, affiliated to University of Southampton’s BSc in Marketing, either pursuing it or assisting Prof. Lisa in delivering this module! If you’re neither, you are still welcome to stay though! A little about myself: I graduated with a Diploma in Aviation Management and Services from Temasek Polytechnic. Continue reading →