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The Last of #MANG2049

Sadly, it is time to wrap up the final post for Living & Working on Web module (#MANG2049). In gratitude, I would like to say out the list of things I have learnt. This module has significantly changed my perception towards the Internet. Truthfully, I have always view the web as a fun platform where we can adopt multiple personalities, in order to enjoy what we cannot freely express in real life, and also a place for basic research & staying connected with friends and families. Continue reading →

Is there a limit to how much we can access in Internet?

Without the wealth of Internet, in creating this post I would have to travel to library to search for relevant books and photocopied pages that I deemed as useful. Now, open access (OA) of Internet in websites such as Google Scholar, Springer has significantly improve the accessibility of knowledge to every Internet user anytime and anywhere, without having to have the financial capability to pay for every article read. Continue reading →

Reflection 4 – Ethical issue of social media

My comment in Valerie’s post (115 words) My comment in Karise’s post (111 words) It has been an interesting journey in learning from each different perspective of one’s take of ethical issues or misconduct in business use of social media. Social media has been such a prevalent and common part of our lives that I never did question their methods of obtaining personal information and how they make use of said information. Continue reading →

Reflection 3 – We are going digital!

Comment on Maureen’s post Comment on Zin’s post  After graduation, comes the journey into the job industry. (Image from Unsplash) Researching on this topic has made me realise the importance of building a professional digital authentic profile. I mean, It is a task we have to undertake first and foremost before stepping in to the job industry. It has been an interesting ride reading course mates’ respective ways to build professional digital authentic profile. Continue reading →

We are going digital!

Here’s what recruitment landscape looks today. By 2014, 93% of companies are integrating social media to their recruitment process, in order to check how immersed you are in digital and marketing world and to get better understanding of you as a whole, outside of resume and name card descriptions. Hence, start checking up on your online profiles now – chances are it is the deciding factor in getting the jobs of your dream. Continue reading →

Having Multiple Online identities – Am I still who I am?

Online identities refer to how users create distinctive characteristics, personalities and signs to author our presence in the Web (Angela Thomas). People adopt multiple identities simply due to anonymity and control over personal we can made available online, separating private life from professional sphere of our lives. I represent myself very differently in my anonymous (Tumblr) and authentic profiles (Facebook). Continue reading →

Reflection 1 – Visitors/Residents, are they necessary?

My comments on others’ blogs regarding Topic 1: When I first start out on this topic, I never considered ‘grouping’ up users of Internet based on their different levels & approach towards the interaction and engagement virtually. Continue reading →