Topic 2: managing your online identity

Please read these brief notes and check out the links, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussions, which are then developed over the next two days through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links.

These articles are intended to give you a flavour of the challenges and opportunities in managing your online identity, and get you started on answering the Topic 2 set question below.

The UK student group are just finishing Topic 2 and you might like to read/comment/build on their work which can be accessed through the #UOSM2033 module blog. As with any other source that you draw upon, make sure you credit the author.

Relevant articles/videos

3 short videos explaining the topic of online identity:

Building your online identity in 7 steps

Guardian article: “Is online authenticity or anonymity more important?” by Alex Krotoski

To be or not to be? The importance of digital identity in the networked society” by Cristina Costa and Ricardo Torres

Question for Topic 2: Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity.

Deadline for posting your answer to the set question is 23.59 (Singapore Time) on 7/11
Deadline for your comments on the work of others and reflective summaries is 23.59 on 8/11

Remember that for topics 2-5 marks all count towards your final assessment and marks will be deducted for late posts. The assessment criteria are detailed in the module Study Guide and on your individual feedback documents.

If you have any questions, please ask us. And if you find useful additional resources on this topic to share with the group, please do so on Twitter using #MANG2049

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