Review of Live Session 3 (Thursday)

Don’t forget that your first topic 1 posts are due by end of today (midnight Singapore time). Sarah is busy right now sorting out your forms and syndicating your blogs into the module blog – please allow some time (hours, not minutes) for this to happen! As I said in the class, even after she has finished (there are 51 of you…) don’t panic if your post doesn’t show up straight away.

When you’ve finished your post, remember to check from a reader’s perspective how easy it is to read (especially from a mobile device) and for a reader to navigate around the different areas of your site. This may not be obvious until you have more than one post on it though! Explore the various widgets available – for example you can embed your twitter feed into the blog, and a comments feed, and other more creative options if you wish. Also do some general housekeeping by taking out the standard placeholders etc. Your blog should look professional in all aspects and become something you would be proud to show to a prespective employer.

Here’s  tomorrow’s Live session

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