General feedback on topic 4
There was a broad range of possible topics to choose from and collectively you have covered a variety of ethical issues around business or educational applications of social media.
The videos you have shared are a useful resource in themselves – perhaps you might like to make a playlist of them all for the group on Youtube?
Some of you I think have started to “coast” a little bit, now that you’ve got the hang of how it all works. I’ve made a number of comments encouraging you to try something a little different in the final topic….get out of the comfort zone!
Specific examples of work that caught my eye this time…
Evan’s posts continue to be both informative and entertaining, which is quite an achievement!
I also liked Novina’s work which showcased a number of interesting and relevant examples.
Zoe’s, Yi Ming’s and Xiu Zhen’s posts also stood out as they asked the right questions and made very good points.