#Hangout4 summary and next steps

Here is the recording of today’s Hangout on YouTube.

I went through some initial feedback on your early posts and encouraged you to think about not just WHAT social networks you use, but HOW you use them and what for. The focus in this module is on developing your digital literacies in order to help both your learning and your employability as marketers in the digital age.

You will get your topic 1 feedback by the end of the weekend and I will also post the topic 2 notes and question for you to start working on for Monday.

Here’s the link for Monday’s hangout

Don’t forget as well my suggestion about recommending  useful twitter accounts for everyone to follow – if you tweet these with the module hashtag AND “#follow” we will make a list to share. For example, you might include:

  • Local companies/organisations that run useful events on marketing topics
  • Companies/individuals who tweet useful content
  • Sources of useful statistics about marketing topics, eg demographics of internet use, growth of new channels etc

Thanks very much for all your contributions so far…!


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