#Hangout1: Summary and next steps

Here’s the recording of today’s Hangout on Youtube if you wish to watch any of it again :-)

We talked through the background to the module and why digital literacy is important (especially for marketing jobs!) I ran through the Study Guide and Olja described her “9 steps to getting started” document.

What you should be doing before tomorrow’s hangout please:

Read through the posts we have written so far, and the documentation we have referred to (study guide, 9 steps to getting started, self test skill audit). Please ask me (email or twitter is best) if you have any questions.

Set up your blogs and write a short post introducing yourself (any queries on blog set up to Sylvian – @sylvianism – please)

Send Olja your blog url, twitter handle and gmail address so she can get you connected to the course blog and twitter list, and set up your feedback document.

Here’s the link for tomorrow’s hangout

You will be introduced to students who are currently doing a version of this module in Southampton, and I will introduce you to topic 1 and how you can get started with it.

See you all then!



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