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- CLLEAR seminar Friday 6th October: Prof Tania Ionin 26/09/2017
- TNS Workshop 6th July 19/06/2017
- CLLEAR Thurs 25th May @ 4pm: Prof Jennifer Smith and Dr Sophie Holmes-Elliot 22/05/2017
- CLLEAR Seminar Wednesday 17th May: Prof Alessandro Benati 11/05/2017
- CLLEAR Seminar Friday 5th May: Dr Neal Snape 27/04/2017
Author Archives: Rosamond Mitchell
Visit to Humanities/ Modern Languages by delegation from Zhejiang University, China
On Thursday 30 May, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Vice Chancellor and senior representatives of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. Zhejiang is one of the foremost research led universities in China; the Faculty of Arts and Humanities has research and teaching in linguistics, English language and literature, French, German and Japanese, among other […]
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Workshop on digital tools in language learning research
The Centre for Applied Language Research ran a successful half day workshop at Avenue Campus on Wednesday 10 April, introducing c50 PGR students and other interested researchers to a range of digital tools which can support the study of informal language learning during residence abroad. First of all, Kevin McManus and Nicole Tracy-Ventura (Southampton) gave […]