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symposium, Page 3

Institute for Language and Culture symposium tomorrow

The Institute for Language and Culture (ILC) in Modern Languages at the University of Southampton is hosting its one-day symposium on ‘New Directions for Research in Language and Culture’ tomorrow, Wednesday 6 November 2013. The full-day event will bring together researchers from Southampton and beyond to hear keynote presentations, engage in debates about the future of language and culture research, and hear about innovative research taking place in the Institute. Continue reading →

Call for papers – LLAS e-learning symposium 2014

Do you make innovative use of technology in language teaching and learning? Have you been experimenting with MOOCs and wish to share your experiences? Do you use social networking sites, virtual worlds or mobile technology with your language students? Are you engaging students in the creation or use of open educational resources? If so, then the LLAS community would like to hear from you! LLAS will be holding its 9th annual e-learning symposium on 23rd-24th January 2014 and has extended its... Continue reading →

Call for papers – LLAS e-learning symposium 2014

Do you make innovative use of technology in language teaching and learning? Have you been experimenting with MOOCs and wish to share your experiences? Do you use social networking sites, virtual worlds or mobile technology with your language students? Are you engaging students in the creation or use of open educational resources? If so, then the LLAS community would like to hear from you! LLAS will be holding its 9th annual e-learning symposium on 23rd-24th January 2014 and has extended its... Continue reading →

PGRAS 2013 – Post-Symposium Reflections

I am pleased to say that the Postgraduate Research Archaeology Symposium 2013 was a great success! Not only was there a great set of presentations from our PGR students, but also a great turn out of students and staff to hear them present. Post-presentation discussion was lively and constructive, and cake-fueled coffee breaks were filled with conversations about interesting cross-overs between different people’s research. Continue reading →

PGRAS Charity Book & Cake Sale

Every year the Post-graduate Research Archaeology Symposium (23rd-24th May) has a second-hand book sale and cake sale to raise money for charity. In the last three years, we have commemorated loved ones by raising a total of £750 for Glencoe Mountain Rescue, the Mexican Association for the Fight Against Cancer, and Action on Addiction. This year, the collection is (fortunately!) not as personal as it has been in previous years. Continue reading →

E-learning symposium 2013 starts tomorrow!

The 8th annual e-learning symposium will be taking place at the University of Southampton on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th January. LLAS will be live streaming the four keynote speakers via the LLAS website. Most sessions during the event will also be recorded and will be available on the LLAS website after the event. The conference talk can also be followed on Twitter #elearnLLAS. Continue reading →

Registration open for E-Learning symposium – 24th/25th January 2013

LLAS will be holding its 8th annual e-learning symposium on 24th/25th January 2013. The event comprises a practical mix of workshops on authoring tools and e-learning techniques and presentations about the possibilities that online learning offers. The symposium aims to bridge the gap between the ‘techie’ and the teacher, giving educators ideas to help them integrate e-learning into their practice but also inspire them to see where the online future could lead. Continue reading →