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Music, Page 2

Are musicians better language learners?

The Guardian has reported on research that has found that children who learn music from a young age find it easier to learn languages. The study, undertaken by researchers at Harvard Medical School, found that children who study music before the age of seven develop bigger vocabularies, a better sense of grammar and a higher verbal IQ. To read the article in full, visit the Guardian website. Continue reading →

Story, Time and Place

This is the Prezi and below are my notes in preparation for a short presentation I gave to a Digital Humanities seminar group at University today. Hosted WordPress still can’t deal with embedded Prezi’s yet so click the link at the start to see the slides. And my notes below are just notes, so you’ll have to imagine me riffing off them to make an entertaining, compelling and coherent (I hope!)  presentation. Continue reading →

International students invited to sample British history and culture

International students from across the world will be attending an International Summer School at the University of Southampton in 2014. The Summer School will introduce participants to British culture, with classes in English Literature, Film Studies, History and Music, visits to historic places and cities including London and Bath, and organised social events. Continue reading →

International students invited to sample British history and culture

International students from across the world will be attending an International Summer School at the University of Southampton in 2014. The Summer School will introduce participants to British culture, with classes in English Literature, Film Studies, History and Music, visits to historic places and cities including London and Bath, and organised social events. Continue reading →

Next TNS Seminar: The Making of Latin American Music: Passion & Subversion

The next TNS seminar will be taking place from 5.00pm-6.30pm on Wednesday 11th December 2013 on the Avenue Campus, Building 65, Room 1145. Professor Carmen Bernand from the Université Paris-X will be speaking about ‘The Making of Latin American Music: Passion & Subversion’. After the presentation, there will be a question and answer session, as well as music and wine. Continue reading →

Next TNS Seminar: The Making of Latin American Music: Passion & Subversion

The next TNS seminar will be taking place from 5.00pm-6.30pm on Wednesday 11th December 2013 on the Avenue Campus, Building 65, Room 1145. Professor Carmen Bernand from the Université Paris-X will be speaking about ‘The Making of Latin American Music: Passion & Subversion’. After the presentation, there will be a question and answer session, as well as music and wine. Continue reading →

Musical interlude

I’ve been on holiday (and heritage free, spending my time bodyboarding, cycling, sea-kayaking and, lest anyone thinks that all sounds too healthy, over-eating in Cornwall) so this blog has been quiet for a week. But will I was away, a colleague shared a link to a very interesting blog post about London museums creating Spotify playlists to accompany exhibitions. Continue reading →