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language teaching

The 12 Apps of Christmas

Students and staff with an interest in the uses of mobile technologies for learning and teaching may be interested in registering for the award winning 12-day online project, The 12 Apps of Christmas, which is now back for its third year. This initiative focuses on exploring 12 mobile apps, which can help students to personalise their learning and educators to support them to do so. Continue reading →

‘Understanding Language: Learning and Teaching’ MOOC to be relaunched in October

Modern Languages at Southampton will be relaunching the University of Southampton MOOC, ‘Understanding Language: Learning and Teaching’ on Monday 17 October. This four-week course introduces participants to the field of second language learning, considering language classrooms and the role of teaching in language learning, and exploring the uses of technology in teaching. Continue reading →

Modern Languages staff receive teaching award

Modern Languages’ Carmen Martín de León and Cristina García Hermoso have been awarded second place for best Spanish teachers of the year, in the international congress, IV Congreso Internacional del Español en Castilla y León. The innovative teaching project they presented, which was also praised by our Stage 5 students this academic year, was based on Carmen’s published book series, El Mundo de Custodio. Continue reading →

New MOOC on ‘Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching’ starts today

Lancaster University is launching a MOOC on ‘Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching’ starting today, Monday 18th April 2016. This free course is designed for current and trainee teachers of additional languages, and offers a combination of practical tools and theoretical insights to support teachers to meet the needs of students with dyslexia. For further information about this MOOC, and to sign up, visit the course page on the FutureLearn website. Continue reading →

‘Understanding Language: learning and teaching’ MOOC starts today!

A new run of Modern Languages’ MOOC ‘Understanding Language: learning and teaching’, starts today, Monday 4th April, and will run for four weeks. Over 15,000 people have signed up to take the course already. This will be the fourth run of the MOOC, taking its reach to over 160,000 people. For further details about the MOOC, and to sign up to take part, visit the course page on the FutureLearn website. Continue reading →

Next CLLEAR seminar: “L2 Classroom Interactional Competence and Teacher Development”

The next Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR) seminar will take place on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 from 4:00-5:30pm in Lecture Theatre C, Building 65, Avenue Campus. The talk is entitled “L2 Classroom Interactional Competence and Teacher Development” and will be delivered by Professor Steve Walsh from Newcastle University. Continue reading →

New scheme from Welsh universities to tackle language learning decline

The BBC has reported on a new scheme being launched by four universities, aimed at tackling the decline in language learning in schools. In this pilot initiative, funded through the Global Futures programme, undergraduate students from Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff and Swansea will be providing coaching and mentoring support to school pupils to help them improve their language skills. To read more about this project, visit the BBC website. Continue reading →

Save the date for the next Routes into Languages employability webinar

The next Routes into Languages webinar will take place on Friday 15th January 2016. Similar to the previous two webinars “Routes into language teaching” and “Working as a translator or Interpreter : Ask the Experts!“, the webinar will aim to address an audience of students, teachers and trainers who are invited to ask questions to a panel. The discussions can be followed on Twitter at #RoutesLive. Continue reading →

Third run of Modern Languages’ MOOC ‘Understanding Language: learning and teaching’ a success

Modern Languages’ MOOC ‘Understanding Language: learning and teaching’ has just completed its third run. 44,284 learners participated in the course, bringing the total number of learners who have signed up for the MOOC to 145,041. This run of the MOOC included a live session led by Professor Jennifer Jenkins, Dr Will Baker and Dr Ying Wang from Modern Languages at the University of Southampton. Continue reading →