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Recent publications by Professor Michael Kelly

Professor Michael Kelly, Head of Department of Modern Languages, has recently published the following articles: Kelly, Michael, Que peut l’Europe? Comment les décideurs peuvent mieux soutenir l’enseignement des langues, in Formation et professionnalisation enseignante en contexts pluriels,edited by Mariella Causa, Stéphanie Galligani and Monica Vlad, Riveneuve, 2014, 399-413. Continue reading →

Dr Aude Campmas presentation at Association of Medical Humanities conference

Supported by the ILC research travel fund, Dr Aude Campmas recently presented a paper at the Association of Medical Humanities Annual Conference  ‘The Art of Compassion’, on 7–9 July 2014 at the University of Southampton. Abstract: Martyrdom and (com)passion in Huysmans’s St. Lydwine of Schiedam In the presentation I explore the influence of medical models in the novel, St. Lydwine of Schiedam by the fin de siècle author Joris-Karl Huysmans. Continue reading →

British Council report on UK language needs

On 20 November the British Council launched a report entitled ‘Languages for the Future: Which Languages the UK Needs and Why’, identifying Spanish, Arabic, French, Mandarin Chinese, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Japanese as the languages most vital to the UK over the next 20 years. The report is of interest for all concerned with planning the future of languages and can be downloaded from the British Council website. Continue reading →

British Council report on UK language needs

On 20 November the British Council launched a report entitled ‘Languages for the Future: Which Languages the UK Needs and Why’, identifying Spanish, Arabic, French, Mandarin Chinese, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Japanese as the languages most vital to the UK over the next 20 years. The report is of interest for all concerned with planning the future of languages and can be downloaded from the British Council website. Continue reading →

United Nations launches essay contest

The United Nations has launched an essay contest for college and university students which challenges students to write an essay in one of its six official languages on the role of multilingualism in a globalised world. The contest, entitled ‘Many Languages, One World’, supports international education and multilingualism through the continued study of Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Continue reading →

Modern Languages Year 12 Autumn Study Day

Forty potential future Modern Languages students will be visiting the University’s Avenue Campus on Tuesday 5th November 2013 for the Year 12 Autumn Study Day. The event is designed for students who are thinking about studying languages at university. There are sessions on cultural topics, grammar and speaking in French, German or Spanish, as well as the chance to do an introductory session in another language (such as Chinese or Portuguese). Continue reading →