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Bookings now open for Modern Languages evening courses starting in January

Booking is now open for a new series of Modern Languages Lifelong Learning courses starting in January. Languages include Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English as a Foreign Language, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese. The courses on offer are ‘b’ courses, which follow on from 20 hours of previous study (so are not suitable for beginners). To find out more about the language stages, pricing and to book your place, visit the Lifelong Learning website. Continue reading →

Last chance to book your place on Modern Languages evening classes!

Don’t miss your chance to book your place on the new series of Modern Languages Lifelong Learning evening classes, starting next week! We are very excited to be offering 13 languages this year: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English as a Foreign Language, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese. Staff and students of the University are eligible for discounts. To find out more and book your place, visit the Lifelong Learning website. Continue reading →

Bookings now open for Modern Languages Lifelong Learning courses!

Lifelong Learning at the University of Southampton has recently announced an expanded programme for the coming semester, to include Modern Languages evening classes in 13 different languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English as a Foreign Language, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese. Language stages are divided into three blocks across the year, running from October 2015 to April 2016. Continue reading →

New research repository: LANGSNAP

A new research repository is now available on the research materials page. The 2011-2013 LANGSNAP project tracked the language learning and social integration of 57 students during their Year Abroad in France, Spain and Mexico. With support from Adam Field of iSolutions, and using ePrints technology, we have now created a repository which makes selected LANGSNAP data available to researchers worldwide. The repository can be viewed at: . Continue reading →

Modern Languages to host Year 8 Able Linguist Days

Modern Languages will be welcoming over 250 Year 8 students to the Avenue Campus this week for two Able Linguist Days, taking place on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th June 2015. Students will participate in a mini-project in French, German or Spanish, and will have the opportunity to try a new language such as Portuguese or Chinese, plus hear a talk about languages about how they can be useful in the world of work. Continue reading →

Modern Languages’ French Theatre Club to preview La Cantatrice Chauve

Modern Languages’ French theatre club will be presenting a preview of La Cantatrice Chauve by Ionesco on Thursday 19 March 2015 at 7pm in Lecture Theatre A, Building 65, Avenue Campus. The event (preview and drinks) will last around 1 hour. It is a free event but please bring drinks and nibbles or a donation (80% will go to a charity, 20% to the club to fund costumes and makeup). The final performance will take place in June 2015. Continue reading →

Future Modern Languages students visit the University today

Around 70 potential future Modern Languages students will be visiting the University today, Tuesday 20 January 2015 for a Year 12 Languages Study Day, run by Modern Languages at the University of Southampton. The event is for Year 12 students who are thinking about studying languages at university. There are sessions on cultural topics, grammar and speaking in French, German or Spanish, plus the chance to do a taster class in a new language and attend a talk on languages and careers. Continue reading →