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Film, Page 15

Italian film showing today

The Italian film, Questione di cuore (Francesca Archibugi, 2009), will be showing in Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, at 6.30pm on Monday 15th October. A review, introduction and discussion will be led by Paola Visconti. Questa è una bellissima storia di amicizia tra due uomini che hanno solo due cose in comune: sono tutti e due quarantenni ed hanno seri problemi di salute. Continue reading →

Modern Languages project highlighted in new film release

This Friday sees the launch of “To say goodbye”: an animated documentary film based on the Spanish Civil War oral histories of “Los Niños”, which will have its premiere at the San Sebastian Film Festival on 28th September. This film highlights the significant work of Alicia Pozo-Gutierrez from the Department of Modern Languages and others involved in this project. See the film website for more details. Continue reading →

Modern Languages project highlighted in new film release

This Friday sees the launch of “To say goodbye”: an animated documentary film based on the Spanish Civil War oral histories of “Los Niños”, which will have its premiere at the San Sebastian Film Festival on 28th September. This film highlights the significant work of Alicia Pozo-Gutierrez from the Department of Modern Languages and others involved in this project. See the film website for more details. Continue reading →