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Events, Page 14

Final Preparations

I’ve been doing some last minute preparations, ready for the first day of our dig tomorrow. We how have a Facebook page! We’ve been live for half an hour and already have 17 followers. Join the crowd! The page is here: I’ve also made a ton of stickers. So that when you come to visit us, you can easily see who is a member of the project team. We’ll be wearing these: Gareth and his stickers. Continue reading →

Bring Your Bones! Bones Identification Day 8th August

Osteologists Visit Basing House Do you have a mystery bone that you dug up in the garden or found whilst walking the dog? Would you like to find out more about how archaeologists identify bones? We have fantastic news for you! Some lovely skulls to whet your appetite! Can you identify all of these chaps? Bones Identification Day at Basing House 8th August 11am-4pm Ellie Williams and her team will be visiting Basing House on the 8th August to show a selection of bones from the University of... Continue reading →

Anne Kankaanranta lecture recording now available

Anne Kankaanranta from the Aalto University School of Business in Finland visited the University of Southampton on 12-14 March 2013 as part of the ILC’s visiting scholars programme. A video recording of her lecture on ‘Global communicative competence in business: the role of BELF (English as Business Lingua Franca)’ is now available here. Continue reading →

Workshop on digital tools in language learning research

The Centre for Applied Language Research ran a successful half day workshop at Avenue Campus on Wednesday 10 April, introducing c50 PGR students and other interested researchers to a range of digital tools which can support  the study of informal language learning during residence abroad. First of all, Kevin McManus and Nicole Tracy-Ventura (Southampton) gave a demonstration of CHILDES programs and their uses in coding and analysing transcripts of L2 learner talk. Continue reading →

Michèle Baussant lecture 23 April

ILC Visiting Scholars Programme 2012-13: Michèle Baussant Trends and issues of migration flows in the Middle East Tuesday 23 April 2013, 12 pm in 65/1201 Lecture Theatre B Dr Michèle Baussant is a social anthropologist from the University Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense and will be the third visitor in the ILC’s 2012-13 visiting scholars programme. She has published extensively on the issues of migrations, memory and cultural heritage (http://u-paris10.academia. Continue reading →