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English as a lingua franca, Page 4

Centre for Global Englishes seminar: “Researching English as the lingua franca of global higher education”

The next Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar will take place on Wednesday 4th December from 5:00pm – 6:30pm in Building 65, Lecture Theatre C. At this session, a panel of speakers will address the theme: “Researching English as the lingua franca of global higher education”, discussing in particular their work exploring the use of English in universities in different parts of the world. Continue reading →

Centre for Global Englishes seminar: “Researching English as the lingua franca of global higher education”

The next Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar will take place on Wednesday 4th December from 5:00pm – 6:30pm in Building 65, Lecture Theatre C. At this session, a panel of speakers will address the theme: “Researching English as the lingua franca of global higher education”, discussing in particular their work exploring the use of English in universities in different parts of the world. Continue reading →

ELF ReN workshop: “ELF and multilingual practices in professional contexts”

The next ELF ReN workshop will be taking place at the University of Southampton Avenue Campus on 7th and 8th November 2013. The workshop is entitled “ELF and multilingual practices in professional contexts” and aims to encourage multi- and inter-disciplinary exchanges on the phenomenon of super-diversity in ELF professional contexts. This is a small workshop and there will be plenty of time for asking questions and discussion. Continue reading →

Centre for Global Englishes lecture: “Global communicative competence in business – the role of Business English as a Lingua Franca”

The Centre for Global Englishes is hosting a lecture on Wednesday 13th March, 5.00-6.30pm, Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus, as part of the Institute of Language and Culture’s visiting scholar programme. The lecture is entitled “Global communicative competence in business – the role of Business English as a Lingua Franca” and will be delivered by Anne Kankaanranta from Aalto University, Finland. Continue reading →

English as a Lingua Franca book launch

Co-authored by Alessia Cogo (University of Southampton), and Martin Dewey (King’s College London), and published by Continuum, the new book “Analysing English as Lingua Franca: a corpus investigation” was successfully launched at Somerset House, London, on 28th November 2012. The book was introduced by Jenny Jenkins from the University of Southampton, and several Southampton students and staff attended the launch hosted by King’s College London. Continue reading →

English as a Lingua Franca book launch

Co-authored by Alessia Cogo (University of Southampton), and Martin Dewey (King’s College London), and published by Continuum, the new book “Analysing English as Lingua Franca: a corpus investigation” was successfully launched at Somerset House, London, on 28th November 2012. The book was introduced by Jenny Jenkins from the University of Southampton, and several Southampton students and staff attended the launch hosted by King’s College London. Continue reading →