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Centre for Global Englishes, Page 3

CGE Seminar Wednesday 9th November 2016: Dr Nicola Galloway

Please join us for the next Centre for Global Englishes seminar. When: Wednesday 9th November, 5-6.30pm Where: Avenue Campus, Lecture Theatre C Who: Dr Nicola Galloway, University of Edinburgh Research to classroom practice: Global Englishes and ELT textbooks “the prevailing orientation in…..ELT materials still remains undoubtedly towards ENL” (Jenkins, 2012: 487). Continue reading →

Centre for Global Englishes seminar: “Intercultural Perspectives on Internationalising Universities”

The first Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar of the new semester will take place on Friday 14th October 2016 from 5-6:30pm in Lecture Theatre C, Building 65, Avenue Campus. The talk is entitled “Intercultural Perspectives on Internationalising Universities” and will be delivered by Dr Tony Young from Newcastle University. Continue reading →

CGE Seminar Friday 14th October 2016: Dr Tony Young

Please join us for the next Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar. When: Friday 14th October 2016, 5-6.30pm Where: Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus Who: Dr Tony Young, Newcastle University Intercultural Perspectives on Internationalising Universities More than four million people are now studying in Higher Education (HE) institutions outside their country of origin, and many thousands of ‘international’ academic staff work in our universities worldwide. Continue reading →

International PhD conference on Global Englishes 24th June

On 24 June 2016, the University of Southampton’s Centre for Global Englishes held a one-day international PhD conference on Global Englishes in the Marcus Liebherr Lounge of Southampton Football Club. This conference was designed for doctoral and early postdoc students working in the research field of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), or more broadly, Global Englishes. The event began with a keynote from Professor Anna Mauranen. Continue reading →

Modern Languages students to participate in Global Englishes PhD conference

A number of Modern Languages PhD students will be participating in the Global Englishes PhD conference, organised by the Centre for Global Englishes, on Friday 24th June 2016 at St Mary’s Stadium, Southampton. This one-day conference aims to enable PhD students from different institutions and countries who are researching different aspects of Global Englishes to network and present their research. Continue reading →

CGE Seminar Wed 9th March 2016: Prof Li Wei

Please join us for the next Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar. When: Wednesday 9th March 2016, 5-6.30pm Where: Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus Who: Professor Li Wei, UCL-IoE Post Multilingualism, Translanguaging and Linguistic Creativity This talk looks at examples of translanguaging practices in complementary schools for minority ethnic children in the UK, multi-modality linguistic practices by multilingual speakers, and New Chinglish from a Post-Multilingualism perspective. Continue reading →

Centre for Global Englishes seminar: “How do we write in English as a Lingua Franca?”

The next Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar will take place on Wednesday 24th February 2016 from 5 – 6:30pm in Lecture Theatre C, Building 65, Avenue Campus. The talk is entitled “How do we write in English as a Lingua Franca?” and will be delivered by Professor Anna Mauranen, Vice-Rector and Professor of English at the University of Helsinki. Continue reading →