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Next CLLEAR talk: Findings from GECO: The Ghent Eye-tracking Corpus of Monolinguals and Bilinguals Reading an Entire Novel

The next Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR) talk will take place on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at 4:30pm in Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus (Building 65). The talk is entitled “Findings from GECO: The Ghent Eye-tracking Corpus of Monolinguals and Bilinguals Reading an Entire Novel” and will be delivered by Denis Drieghe from University of Southampton. Continue reading →

LCAWB talk tomorrow: DeCentring the intercultural and small culture formation on the go – implications for internationalisation, research methods and who we all are.

As part of the Language & Culture in the Academic World & Beyond being run by PGR students in Modern Languages and Linguistics, there will be a talk by Professor Adrian Holliday from Canterbury Christ Church University on Friday 10th May 2019 at 4pm in Lecture Theatre B, Avenue Campus (Building 65). The talk is entitled “DeCentring the intercultural and small culture formation on the go – implications for internationalisation, research methods and who we all are. Continue reading →

Next CLLEAR seminar: A dynamic typology of syntactic change in contact Englishes

The next Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR) seminar will take place on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 4pm in Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus (Building 65). The talk is entitled “A dynamic typology of syntactic change in contact Englishes” and will be delivered by Devyani Sharma from Queen Mary, University of London. Continue reading →

South East Regional Routes into Languages Foreign Language Spelling Bee Competition

It is with great pleasure that Modern Languages and Linguistics are today (24th April) hosting the South East regional qualifying round of the Routes into Languages Foreign Language Spelling Bee Competition. 3,284 year 7s started the competition in the South East and the last 60 pupils from 20 schools are competing today, with the top 4 in each language proceeding to the national finals in London later this year. Continue reading →

The Last Post

We have really enjoyed running this blog for the past six years, but find that we are increasingly keeping in touch with you through different channels and in more interactive modes. We are leaving the blog archive here for you to enjoy, but if you’d like to know what we’re up to now, come find us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. We’d love to hear from you and tell you about our latest news. The post The Last Post appeared first on SOUNDINGS Music at Southampton. Continue reading →

Research centres event on Wednesday 20th March: “Perspectives on the concept of the ‘native speaker’”

The next seminar, which combines speakers from four of our research centres, will be held on Wednesday 20th March from 4-5:30pm in Lecture Theatre C at Avenue Campus (Building 65). The seminar is entitled “Perspectives on the concept of the ‘native speaker'” and will be presented by a range of staff from the department. Continue reading →

Schubert, Singing and Sexuality

David and the masterclass students with Roderick Williams and Iain Burnside Music’s Dr David Bretherton was the mastermind behind last week’s Schubert concert and masterclass – participants heard fabulous music, explored issues around composers’ sexuality, and watched our students learn from international artists: During LGBT History Month 2019, the Department of Music and Turner Sims Concert Hall held two Schubert events connected to my Arts and Humanities Research... Continue reading →

The 2018-19 Italian Film season has now finished

Dear students and staff, We regret to inform you that due to heavy academic workload for our students for whom the films have been arranged, it has been decided to cancel the two last screenings of our Italy through its films. Therefore the screening of La Vita è bella on 11th March and Perfetti sconosciuti on 25th March will not go ahead. Students and staff will be able to borrow both DVDs from Avenue library and watch them in their own time if they wish to. Continue reading →