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Learn a language over lunch

Choose from one of ten languages and learn a language at lunch-time! Staff and students can choose from Arabic Beginners, Classical Greek Beginners, Dutch Beginners, French Beginners, German Beginners, Italian Beginners, Japanese Beginners, Mandarin Chinese Beginners, Portuguese Beginners and Spanish Beginners. The cost is £65.00 for 12 weeks. There is more information about these and evening courses on the Lifelong Learning website. Continue reading →

Welcome to Languages at Southampton

Welcome to Languages at Southampton Are you interested in learning a new language or improving one that you have learnt before? At Southampton, you have a wide choice of languages to learn and ways to learn them. You can study them as part of your degree, in a social group, through a Lifelong Learning class or independently, using the University’s language learning resources. This portal will link you to all you need to find out what’s going on in languages at Southampton. Continue reading →

Visiting fellowships in Computational Humanities in the Netherlands

The following funding opportunity might be of interest to SotonDH members: Visiting fellowships in Computational Humanities, based at the eHumanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Applications for 2013 now open! These visiting fellowships are intended to enable scholars working in computational humanities to conduct research and to participate in the academic life of the eHumanities Group of the KNAW. Continue reading →

Lecture in Tartu: Digital Archaeologies: Imaging, Fieldwork and Simulation of the Ancient World

I have finished writing my talk for tomorrow at the University of Tartu. The abstract is below. I am going to concentrate on the data capture aspects of the Portus Project and the data visualisation components of our work at Catalhoyuk, with some mention of the RCUK PATINA project and the AHRC RTISAD project. Tomorrow will be my last full day in beautiful Estonia. An amazing place. Continue reading →

CFP workshop historical network analysis

Since a few years a group of German scholars regularly convenes to discuss the potential and issues surrounding the use of network methods for the historical discipline. Marten Düring is one of the prominent people in this group, and he presented his work at The Connected Past symposium here in Southampton in March 2012 (you can see a video of his presentation on the TCP website). Continue reading →