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Italian film showing today

The Italian film, Questione di cuore (Francesca Archibugi, 2009), will be showing in Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, at 6.30pm on Monday 15th October. A review, introduction and discussion will be led by Paola Visconti. Questa è una bellissima storia di amicizia tra due uomini che hanno solo due cose in comune: sono tutti e due quarantenni ed hanno seri problemi di salute. Continue reading →

British diplomats in India to learn Hinglish

The Telegraph newspaper reports how British diplomats in India will have to learn Hindi as increasingly, Hinglish, which is a blend of Hindi and English, becomes the most widely used language. In recent years there has apparently been an increase in politicians and new billionaires in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and other states who either do not speak English or pepper it with Hindi phrases as they feel that better captures their meaning. Continue reading →

Thousands of language apps!

A search on the word ‘languages’ in Google Playstore which provides apps for Android devices, gives 18,647 results. You can find apps from Arabic, Chinese and Czech to Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian. There are voice translator apps, dictionary and grammar apps and even languages in a month apps. A search on the iTunes App store under the Education category gives lower numbers but reveals many more when you search by language. Continue reading →

Thousands of language apps!

A search on the word ‘languages’ in Google Playstore which provides apps for Android devices, gives 18,647 results. You can find apps from Arabic, Chinese and Czech to Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian. There are voice translator apps, dictionary and grammar apps and even languages in a month apps. A search on the iTunes App store under the Education category gives lower numbers but reveals many more when you search by language. Continue reading →

Workshop on digital literacy in the Humanities

This free event for teachers and postgraduate researchers is part of the HEA Open Education Resources seminar series. It will take place on Wednesday, 7th November 2012, room 2151, on the Avenue Campus at the University of Southampton. The focus of the workshop will be to show how engaging with open practice can enhance the digital literacy of staff and students, and to show how using and publishing Open Educational Resources can be a bridge between humanities teaching and research. Continue reading →

Workshop on digital literacy in the Humanities

This free event for teachers and postgraduate researchers is part of the HEA Open Education Resources seminar series. It will take place on Wednesday, 7th November 2012, room 2151, on the Avenue Campus at the University of Southampton. The focus of the workshop will be to show how engaging with open practice can enhance the digital literacy of staff and students, and to show how using and publishing Open Educational Resources can be a bridge between humanities teaching and research. Continue reading →

Portus Project Lecture

Last night Professor Simon Keay delivered a lecture outlining the recent research he has been leading as director of the Portus Project, which explores the site of Imperial Rome’s maritime port. Entitled “Roman Emperors, Ships and Commerce: inter-disciplinary research at Portus 2011-2012?, the lecture was chaired by Professor Don Nutbeam, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton, and introduced by Professor Anne Curry, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. Continue reading →