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CALR lecture – Wednesday 7th November

The next CALR lecture will be taking place on Wednesday 7th November, from 5.00 – 6.30pm, in Lecture Theatre C at the Avenue Campus, University of Southampton. The session is entitled “Second language listening comprehension in England: strategy instruction and teacher understanding”, and will be presented by Professor Suzanne Graham from the University of Reading. All welcome. Continue reading →

CAHO Seminar Series 2012-11-05 17:11:20

9th November, Wymer Lab (Archaeology Building 65a, Avenue Campus) The second CAHO seminar will be given by Professor Uzy Smilansky from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel   “Computer-based documentation and analysis of stone artefacts in 3D” This talk will review recent work carried out at the Computerized Archaeology Laboratory at the Hebrew University (Jerusalem) together with Dr Leore Grosman and others. Continue reading →

Italian film showing today: Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970)

The Italian film, Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (Vittorio De Sica, 1970), will be showing in Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, at 6.30pm on Monday 5th November. A review, introduction and discussion will be led by Bianca Belgiorno. Ambientato a Ferrara durante la seconda guerra mondiale, il film di De Sica racconta la storia dei Finzi Contini, una famiglia aristocratica ebrea protetta dalle mura della loro idilliaca tenuta. Continue reading →

Funding for multidisciplinary field school at Portus

We have been awarded funding from a Student Centredness fund grant to create a unique field school at Portus that will provide the context for novel learning experiences to students from across the University, including an on-line infrastructure to build a community around a period of archaeological fieldwork in Italy. It will also benefit from a related SC project aimed at providing virtual access to the Portus fieldwork experience. Continue reading →

RTI shedding new light on Iberian Late Bronze Age stelae

During the first two weeks of September David Wheatley and myself, jointly with Leonardo García Sanjuán (University of Seville), have conducted fieldwork in Lora del Río, Seville (Spain). This fieldwork has been aimed at providing enhanced contextual data and visual recording of a Late Bronze Age decorated stela. As part of this work we have applied Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) and the results are really amazing. RTI allows us to examine the surface of the stela interactively. Continue reading →

Día de los Muertos – the Mexican Day of the Dead

There has been an altar celebrating the Day of the Dead at the Avenue Campus at the University of Southampton each year for a number of years. This year is no exception. In Mexico, the festivities which, despite the name, celebrate life, start on 28 October and end with a national holiday on 2 November (see Guardian article for some of the background to this tradition). Continue reading →

‘Juana in a Million’ in The Nuffield Theatre Studio for Mexico Week

Part of Mexico Week at the University of Southampton, ‘Juana in a Million’ is the story of a young Mexican woman who arrives in London, armed with a suitcase of clothes and dreaming of love, success and happiness. The show, which takes place at The Nuffield Theatre Studio from Monday 29th to Wednesday 31st October at 19:30, features award-winning Mexican actress Vicky Araico Casas, and offers a glimpse into what it can mean to be an immigrant in the UK today. Continue reading →

Photographing Portus

Photography has been extremely important to the Portus Project. The photographic record which has been created as we have been working on the site allows us to re-visit and interpret the excavations at many levels. As well as a vast archive of photographs depicting excavated contexts, sections and objects we also have a substantial collection of images which depict the day to day life of an archaeological excavation. Continue reading →