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Children in Europe are learning languages earlier

A new report by the European Commission entitled ‘The Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012’ has shown that children are starting to learn foreign languages at an increasingly early age in Europe. Many countries have lowered the starting age for compulsory language learning over the past 15 years and some are beginning to offer it at pre-school level. Continue reading →

Future students for Modern Languages

Over 60 sixth formers visited the University of Southampton on 6th November 2012 for the Year 12 Languages Study Day. The event, designed for Year 12 students considering studying languages at university, offered sessions on cultural topics, grammar and speaking in French, German or Spanish, careers in languages, and the chance to try a taster class in a new language. The event was a great success and was positively evaluated by those who attended. Continue reading →

e-learning symposium 2013

LLAS, Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies will hold its 8th annual elearning symposium on 24/5thJanuary 2013. The aim of the symposium is to seek to bridge the gap between the ‘techie’ and the teacher, giving educators ideas to help them integrate elearning into their practice but also to inspire them to see where the online future could lead. Continue reading →

E-Learning symposium at the University of Southampton – 24th/25th January 2013

Registration is now open for the LLAS 8th annual e-learning symposium on 24th/25th January 2013. The aim of the symposium is to seek to bridge the gap between the ‘techie’ and the teacher, giving educators ideas to help them integrate e-learning into their practice but also to inspire them to see where the online future could lead. Main themes for 2013 include: innovative tools for teaching, digital literacies and augmented reality. Continue reading →

Welcome to the ILC

Welcome to the website for the Institute for Language and Culture (ILC) at the University of Southampton. The ILC brings together researchers from Modern Languages and other departments in the Faculty of Humanities and provides support for the Faculty’s world-leading researchers in the area of language and culture. The ILC also undertakes outreach activities to bring the findings of our research to a wider public. Continue reading →

Italian film showing today: Bellissima (1951)

The Italian film, Bellissima (Luchino Visconti, 1951) will be showing in Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, at 6.30pm on Monday 12th November. A review, introduction and discussion will be led by Sandro Filipik. Bellissima è un film neorealista del 1951 diretto da Luchino Visconti. Questo film in bianco e nero è una satira dell’industria del cinema e mette a nudo i falsi sogni e le fantasie superficiali che Cinecittà stava producendo. Continue reading →

Infrared RTI: Experimentation towards the development of multispectral RTI

Multispectral Imaging and Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) are both useful imaging tools for the examination of antiquities and works of art.  Previous research proved that RTI contributes significantly in prevention, investigation, examination, analysis and documentation, communication, dissemination and presentation of antiquities and works of art. Continue reading →

Has migration reached a threshold in 21st century China?

Staff and students at the University of Southampton are invited to the Confucius Institute International Symposium on Migration, Economic and Social Development in Modern China, taking place on Friday 9th November from 12:45 to 14:45 and 15:00 to 17:00 in the Nuffield Theatre auditorium. The event is being run in partnership with the Centre for Contemporary China, the ESRC Centre for Population Change and Centre for Global Health Population, Poverty & Policy. Continue reading →

Twitter map of London shows 66 languages

The Telegraph newspaper has reported how academics from University College London have analysed tweets published in London between March and August of this year and plotted them on a map, in order to show language clusters in the capital city based on tweets. In total, 66 languages show on the map, with English accounting for 92.5% of tweets. Other popular languages are Spanish, French, Turkish, Arabic and Portuguese. Continue reading →