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New app to support Manx language revival

The BBC has reported on a new app launched to help people learn the ancient Manx language. Since being declared extinct in 2009 by UNESCO, the past three years have seen a revival in Manx Gaelic, one of the six Celtic languages alongside Irish, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, Breton and Cornish. The design for the Learn Manx app is based on a current course run by the Manx Heritage Foundation. It is hoped that the app will bring the language into the 21st Century and encourage more people to learn it. Continue reading →

Agincourt on the BBC

Broadcast in September 2004, BBC Radio 4′s long-running series ‘In Our Time’, presented by Melvyn Bragg discussed the Agincourt with Anne Curry; Michael Jones, medieval historian and writer, and John Watts, Fellow and Tutor in Modern History at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. “Owre kynge went forth to Normandy, With grace and myyt of chivalry; The God for hym wrouyt marvelously, Wherefore Englonde may calle, and cry Deo gratias: Deo gratias redde pro victoria. Continue reading →

Italian film showing today: Prendimi l’anima (2002)

The Italian film, Prendimi l’anima (Roberto Faenza, 2002) will be showing in Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, at 6.30pm on Monday 19th November. A review, introduction and discussion will be led by Paola Visconti. Il film racconta la storia vera di Sabine Spielrein, una giovane ebrea di origine russa che viene ricoverata nella clinica di Jung nel 1904 per una grave forma di isteria. Continue reading →

Italian film showing today: Prendimi l’anima (2002)

The Italian film, Prendimi l’anima (Roberto Faenza, 2002) will be showing in Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, at 6.30pm on Monday 19th November. A review, introduction and discussion will be led by Paola Visconti. Il film racconta la storia vera di Sabine Spielrein, una giovane ebrea di origine russa che viene ricoverata nella clinica di Jung nel 1904 per una grave forma di isteria. Continue reading →

Digital Transformations 2012

The Digital Transformations Moot 2012 takes place on the 19th November in London and is a large scale day-long event for all with an interest in the new AHRC theme ‘Digital Transformations’.  The theme aims to support the potential of digital technologies for transforming research in the humanities and the arts. Throughout the day, the members of the sotonDH team will be showcasing our work in the Hack Space. Continue reading →

Children in Europe are learning languages earlier

A new report by the European Commission entitled ‘The Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012’ has shown that children are starting to learn foreign languages at an increasingly early age in Europe. Many countries have lowered the starting age for compulsory language learning over the past 15 years and some are beginning to offer it at pre-school level. Continue reading →