Managing coasts under threat from climate change and sea-level rise

Coastal regions under threat from climate change and sea-level rise need to tackle the more immediate threats of human-led and other non-climatic changes, according to a team of international scientists. The team of 27 scientists from five continents was led by Dr Sally Brown at the University of Southampton, and from Ocean and Earth Science… Read More Managing coasts under threat from climate change and sea-level rise

IEA GHG International CCS Summer School 2014, Austin (Texas)

Geology & Geophysics PhD student, Chiara Marieni, attended the IEA GHG International CCS Summer School hosted by The University of Texas at Austin (USA), from July 6th to 11th, 2014. Chiara is a third year PhD student working on the off-shore basalts as unconventional reservoirs where permanently store the atmospheric CO2. The IEA GHG Carbon… Read More IEA GHG International CCS Summer School 2014, Austin (Texas)

A 500 Year Sediment Lake Record of Anthropogenic and Natural Inputs to Windermere

Dr Helen Miller, and colleagues from G&G, Geochemistry and the British Geological Survey have published a new research article in Environmental Science & Technology entitled “A 500 Year Sediment Lake Record of Anthropogenic and Natural Inputs to Windermere (English Lake District) Using Double-Spike Lead Isotopes, Radiochronology, and Sediment Microanalysis”. The paper combines nondestructive and high precision… Read More A 500 Year Sediment Lake Record of Anthropogenic and Natural Inputs to Windermere

G & G team begin fieldwork looking at DNA degradation in submerged bone.

Last week Dr Charlie Thompson and PhD student Sam Griffith from Geology & Geophysics began a fieldwork project investigating the survivability of DNA in submerged bone. Cow femur bones, acting as human analogues, are being submerged at four sites in estuarine, riverine and marine areas in Hampshire. In the environment a number of physicochemical and… Read More G & G team begin fieldwork looking at DNA degradation in submerged bone.

PhD student Hachem Kassem awarded first prize at Aquatec Equipment Awards

G&G phd student Hachem Kassem has recently accepted an  award for the AQUAscat 1000R acoustic suspended profiler; the first prize at the Aquatec Equipment Awards 2014 for his research on vertical turbulence structures in the benthic boundary layer. The award comprises a 3 month instrument loan and a travel grant, to deploy the instrument in an upcoming field campaign. The… Read More PhD student Hachem Kassem awarded first prize at Aquatec Equipment Awards

EU grant awarded to Dr Karen Weitemeyer for project: “Breakthrough Solutions for Mineral Extraction and Processing in Extreme Environments – Blue Mining”.

Karen Weitemeyer and the Marine Electromagnetics Laboratory (Marine EM Lab) is part of an international European consortium of 19 large industry and research organisations with various maritime fields of expertise that will develop solutions that bring deep sea mining closer to reality. The “Blue Mining” project will address all aspects of the value chain in… Read More EU grant awarded to Dr Karen Weitemeyer for project: “Breakthrough Solutions for Mineral Extraction and Processing in Extreme Environments – Blue Mining”.

NERC grant awarded to Dr Derek Keir for project: Rift Volcanism: Past, Present and Future

Derek Keir has recently been awarded a little over half a million pounds through a NERC large grant. Project Rift Volcanism: Past, Present and Future aims to use various geophysical techniques, petrology and geology to understand volcano behavior and hazards in the Ethiopian rift. Derek will be leading the seismology component in collaboration with the… Read More NERC grant awarded to Dr Derek Keir for project: Rift Volcanism: Past, Present and Future

PhD student Ryan Gallacher recieves GeoPRISMS AGU Student Prize mention

Ryan Gallacher achieved excellence at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference in December 2013 by obtaining an honorable mention for the GeoPRISMS AGU Student Prize. He was, indeed, the only student from a non USA institution to place in the competition! Ryan’s achievement demonstrates that he is conducting high-level research that is international leading. Many… Read More PhD student Ryan Gallacher recieves GeoPRISMS AGU Student Prize mention

Southampton team research Cornish rip currents

By PhD student Sebastian Pitman: A team of researchers from both the Geology and Geophysics and Physical Oceanography research groups at the University of Southampton have recently spent two weeks studying rip currents on Perranporth beach in Cornwall. The deployment forms an integral part of G&G PhD student Seb Pitman’s research, helping to ground truth… Read More Southampton team research Cornish rip currents