Recent seismic cruises study ancient continental breakup offshore NW Spain – by Marianne Karplus

This summer a number of University of Southampton geophysicists participated in a large, international seismic expedition to study continental breakup in the Deep Galicia Basin, offshore northwest Spain. The project includes acquisition of ocean bottom seismometer as well as multi-channel seismic reflection data onboard two separate research vessels, RV Poseidon and RV Marcus G. Langseth.… Read More Recent seismic cruises study ancient continental breakup offshore NW Spain – by Marianne Karplus

SCOPAC grant awarded for sediment transport study

Shari Gallop, Charlie Thompson and Ivan Haigh have been funded by SCOPAC (Standing  Conference on Problems Associated with the Coastline; and the Southern Coastal Group ( to investigate sediment transport pathways offshore of Poole and Christchurch Bays in The Solent, UK. They plan to focus on Dolphin Bank and Dolphin Sand that are approximately 10… Read More SCOPAC grant awarded for sediment transport study

A particularly volcanic volcano conference, Japan – by Mike Cassidy

I was recently lucky enough to spend some time in Japan as part of a scientific conference in the southern-most tip of Kyushu along with my colleague Sebastian Watt. The conference was called IAVCEI, and is the ‘world cup’ of volcanology meetings, as these international gatherings only occur every 4 years. This was my first… Read More A particularly volcanic volcano conference, Japan – by Mike Cassidy

Hot and Deep: Melting during late-stage rifting in Afar

A recent paper in Nature, Dr Derek Keir, from Geology and Geophysics research group at Ocean and Earth Science, has recently been involved in a study on the Afar Rift Valley. The Nature paper by Ferguson and coauthors used geochemical data from lavas erupted along the the Afar rift valley to constrain the origin of magmatism… Read More Hot and Deep: Melting during late-stage rifting in Afar