Two Research Fellowships in Geophysics available

We are pleased to announce that we are offering two new Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships to further strengthen the Geology and Geophysics Research Group in OES:

A five year position in Marine Electromagnetics which will  focus on taking to the next stage the successful Southampton EM Lab as well as being intimately involved in the delivery of three newly won grants: EU Blue Mining, NERC PI-LAB, and ERC EURO-LAB. This extended Fellowship will be strongly encouraged to also develop their own research strands and to link with colleagues both within the group, across NOCS and the broader national and international geophysics communities.

The second position is a maximum of a two year post in Passive Seismology  – the candidate will join and expanding group in this area led by Dr Kate Rychert and Dr Nick Harmon and will play a vital role in at the start of a large international project to image and understand the properties that make a tectonic plate strong. As part of this role the Fellow will work on two funded research projects: the NERC PI-LAB project and ERC EURO-LAB. In addition, to supporting these projects, the Fellow will be encouraged to develop their own research interests in seismology.

Details of the funding projects and other associated work can be found in the “High Resolution Marine Geophysics and Geotechnics”, “Methane Hydrates” and “Global to Local Tectonics” Research Projects section of the blog.

Informal enquiries can be made to the Head of Group, Dr Justin Dix ( for the Marine Electromagnetics position and Dr. Catherine Rychert ( for the Passive Seismology position.