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Not the end, just the start!

In a blink of an eye, MANG2049 has come to the end. Well….. not exactly the end, but i would say it’s the start of my digital learning journey. This journey has been an interesting and fruitful one for me! Throughout this 3 weeks, living and working on the web has opened my eye to different layers in the digital world. The topic given and the knowledge we picked up from various source leads to a large amount of information shared on #MANG2049 blog. Continue reading →

Thoughts about online identities

After reading and commenting on my classmates’ post, i came to realised that i am lacking in-depth information about information relating to different identities. Source: Original content Problem of free speech For instance in Singapore, there was a news about a NTUC assistant director being fired because of her racism Facebook post. She claimed that her Facebook was her personal space and where she could share her opinions but that escalated faster then she thought. Continue reading →

Your Online Identity: Single or Multiple?

Digital world is full of uncertainties. Things you post on the web can be perfectly fine for you but offensive to other people. It is about controlling which subsets of true facets of a person are relevant in different social contexts (Dave Vronay, 2017). Source: Original Content Why do people have so many different identities? Often, we want to let people see what we want them to see. Therefore, Single identity is seen as authenticity while multiple identity is seen as anonymity. Continue reading →

Quality of online information

In my previous post, I mentioned about Echo chambers, filter bubbles and fake news. But that are just a small part of the whole digital world. The study of fake news fits neatly into media literacy units where it allow us to consume and view media critically (Mgongolwa, 2017). Source: Original Content Having to assess the reliability and authenticity, you will think about the quality of the source and how do we evaluate it. Continue reading →

Evolving Networks, Reliability and Authenticity at Stake!

Today, large amount of information are uploaded and downloaded over the internet and the content is very much our own, for now we are all commentators, publishers, and creators. This enables individuals to create content, communicate with one another, and even escape reality (Zaryn Dentzel, 2017). Source: Original Content Internet made everything almost possible from communicating with people around the world to sharing ideas and information. Continue reading →

Reflection for Digital Differences

After reading through the comments and blog post of classmates on Digital Differences, i have gained a better understanding on Digital Differences and how it impacted on our life. There are no right or wrong answer for digital differences, just different perspective from different people. As mentioned by Rachel, as internet penetration increases, we should shift our attention from the “digital divide” to digital inequality. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Impact of “Digital Differences” on my learning

Nowadays, technologies is everywhere and the use of online resources is easily accessible in most countries. According to research, there are countries that are still not exposed to this kind of privileges. Many different factors have contributed to the digital differences across individual which effects our learning network. Regardless of different factors, all lead to different level of exposure to the digital world. Continue reading →

Am I a Digital “Resident” or “Visitors” ?

Researchers found different ways of online engagement to understand the motivation of individuals using web in differing context. This lead to having two main categories; Digital visitors and Digital residents. So, what exactly is Digital Visitor and Digital Resident? The visitor is an individual who uses online tools to meet their needs. There are very little social visibility or trace. “We propose that visitors understand the web as akin to an untidy garden tool shed. Continue reading →