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Final Reflection

Before and After (Areas of Improvement) Prior to taking this module, my presence online have always been very objective base. Much similar to the characteristics of the term I was introduce in the introductory topic, “Digital Visitor”. I never had experience blogging or posting actively on online platforms, therefore it was definitely a brand new fulfilling journey for me. Continue reading →

Reflection: Online Identities

On my previous post regarding online identities, I ponder deeper into the implications of the different possible outcomes from using the different identities online. I also consider each of the different identities in my personal context and how i would experience them, good and bad. Single Identity Single identity would definitely be the most ideal online environment in my opinion. Continue reading →

Reflection: Where’s The Real News

The issue of fake news have broaden my perspective into the linking issues of it. Issues such as filter bubbles, motivation to curate false news, the corporations and supporting ecosystem for such phenomenon to exist. The controversy of fake news is truly the tip of the iceberg with deeper motivating factors for it to transpire. Filter Bubble Interactions with shihying brought the term filter bubble and echo chamber into my ongoing thoughts on falsified information. Continue reading →

Internet Of Thoughts

From the exchange of views and comments with several friends, i broaden my perspective of digital differences and the connecting implications it possess. Digital differences arise from many factors, most linked to one another. Each factors on how they come about are interesting read on their own. I also looked deeper into the repercussions of digital differences and what are possible solutions and actions to counter the negative outcomes. Continue reading →

Where’s The Real News

What is it and Why do it? The topic of falsified information is not a thing of the past. We would have countless encounter of such issue through the internet until today. In today’s context, fake news are circulating the in internet is hard to stop. This is the result of accessible platforms for individuals to generate contents and share it with the public. Continue reading →

Digital Difference and It’s Impact

With the dependance of technology in modern society. There’s a great increase in online users. With a huge population on the web, different segmentation of audience create digital differences. In the modern society, we are empowered with unbeatable inter-connectivity through the web and daily functions could be accomplished at our fingertips. The figure below segments the different type of demographics and activities performed by them respectively. Continue reading →

“Digital Resident” and “Digital Visitor”

Having spend more than half my life on the web, I’ve never came across the term “digital resident” and “digital resident”. In today’s world where technology increased the connectivity between individuals and creates behaviours and characteristics of one-self. Digital resident is an individual that uses the web to connect and interact with others using their online persona. Continue reading →