Some comments on your own blogs
It was great to see the many creative styles you have adopted when setting up your own blogs.
Don’t forget though, that in addition to addressing the 5 topics through the module, you are supposed to work on building your own digital presence which you then reflect on at the end in the second assessed task. We don’t mark this going through the module, but remember that it is a continual process not something you can cobble together quickly at the end.
So please check that you have:
- Completed the self test at the start of the module
- Put some effort into the style and presentation of the blog (you are not judged on design skills, but it should look professional, be easy to navigate, have your tweets pulled in, links to other profiles eg LinkedIn, “About” page completed etc)
- Are you using twitter to share useful links and your own work, engage with other students, build your networks etc
- You should keep particularly useful examples as you go along that you might draw upon in the final exercise to evidence progress, eg specific conversations on twitter, comments on your blog etc
- You have given your posts a category of “topic 1” so they display in the module blog as well as your own.