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#uosm2008, Page 7

Topic 4: Ethics and the Internet

Prior to the digital revolution, options of being heard were limited to the ‘Speakers corner’. In the 80’s, chances that you could influence someone were small, as you had to be educated, whereas now, all you need is the Internet and a “click that reverberates around the world” (Lewinsky 2015) Today, social networking sites can be our Speakers Corner,as a cultural gatekeeper no longer controls us. Continue reading →

How MOOC platforms use our data

The biggest disruption made by technology in education in recent years has been the invention of Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) [1]. They consists of a series of videos, additional reading and accompanying exercises delivered via the Internet for free.The opportunity to take such courses, lectured by world-class researchers from best universities in the world, has been seized by millions of people. Creation of such online module costs. Continue reading →

Topic 4- Ethical Violations in the Workplace

Before reading this post, I kindly ask that you briefly learn about employee social media use inside and outside of the workplace in the video below. Over the years there have been many benefits that social media has brought to the corporate world. For many companies across the globe, social media has allowed new ways of connecting with potential and current customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders. Continue reading →

Ethical issues raised by educational use of social media

Please read these notes and check out the links below, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussion, which are then developed over the next two weeks through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. These articles are intended to give you a flavour of the topic, and get you started on answering the Topic 4 set question below. Relevant articles/videos http://www. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflection

It was surprising the amount of influence an online professional profile can have on a person’s job opportunity. From my research that I gathered during the process of writing the post, I found some rather high figures from the Jobvite survey. These figures really helped open my eyes to how important it is and how much effort I will need to put into my own profile, to get it ready my search for a profession after my third year. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

social media   n. web sites and applications which enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. The definition of social media, above, is one declared by the Oxford English Dictionary. Nowhere in that definition does it mention the need to use it for professional development, although I can completely relate with the reasoning for doing so. Continue reading →

Reflections: Professional Identity

This week brought an insight into the importance of development of online professional identity. What struck me during preparations for writing my own post, but also while reading others contributions was the extent to which recruiters use social media and online search to review candidates. Which leaves us, the job-seekers of some sort, with no choice but to curate our professional online profile. Throughout this week, I believe I have taken a crash-course in the basic principles of doing so. Continue reading →