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Topic 4- Ethical Violations in the Workplace

Before reading this post, I kindly ask that you briefly learn about employee social media use inside and outside of the workplace in the video below. Over the years there have been many benefits that social media has brought to the corporate world. For many companies across the globe, social media has allowed new ways of connecting with potential and current customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders. Continue reading →

Business, privacy, social media: Can’t we just all get along?

“If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place” -Google CEO Eric Schmidt [1] Over the past weeks we have inspected and dissected our actions on the web, both social and professional, separately and combined but with the overbearing implicit theme that the walls between aspects of our life are slowly starting to crumble. Continue reading →

Ethical issues raised by educational use of social media

Please read these notes and check out the links below, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussion, which are then developed over the next two weeks through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. These articles are intended to give you a flavour of the topic, and get you started on answering the Topic 4 set question below. Relevant articles/videos http://www. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflection

It was surprising the amount of influence an online professional profile can have on a person’s job opportunity. From my research that I gathered during the process of writing the post, I found some rather high figures from the Jobvite survey. These figures really helped open my eyes to how important it is and how much effort I will need to put into my own profile, to get it ready my search for a profession after my third year. Continue reading →

Topic 3 Reflection: Building an authentic online professional profile

This week’s topic gave the group not only an opportunity into discovering how we could market ourselves successfully online but also what a necessity it is to create a streamlined professional personal representation whilst avoiding any tarnishing of that image, or ‘brand’. Tamara Manton’s blog initially made me consider the title of the post more clearly in terms of how our actions must be ‘authentic’. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

social media   n. web sites and applications which enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. The definition of social media, above, is one declared by the Oxford English Dictionary. Nowhere in that definition does it mention the need to use it for professional development, although I can completely relate with the reasoning for doing so. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflecting on creating a brand.

There are a wealth of resources out there on the do’s and don’ts of creating an online professional profile. The tricky bit is making sure that you maintain authenticity when managing or creating these profiles. The discussion surrounding authenticity is what made this week’s topic so diverse, with blogs like Namat’s and Irinie’s offering interesting points on how to be authentic, while others not referring to it at all. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

This week’s topic has really motivated me to become proactive in developing my online professional profile. As already mentioned, though I have a LinkedIn and Twitter account, they currently do very little to attract potential employers. Before this course, I intended to rely on my CV to highlight my best attributes; I didn’t believe that creating a LinkedIn account would serve me any better. Continue reading →