Translating secularism/ Traduire la laïcité
Varieties of secular society 18-19 September 2015 Institut Français de Londres
Professor Michael Kelly will be hosting a two-day conference at the Institut Français de Londres on 18-19 September 2015 on: Translating secularism/ Traduire la laïcité: Varieties of secular society. Please see below for the updated programme.
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10.30-11.00 Welcome and introduction to the colloquium (Michael Kelly, University of Southampton)
11.00-12.00 Theories and Practices
Murat Akan (Boğaziçi University) ‘Diversité: Challenging or Constituting Laïcité?’
Patrick Loobuyck (Antwerp University), Secularism, state neutrality and reasonable accomodation
12.00-14.00 BREAK
14.00-15.30 Laïcité and Religion
Brian Sudlow (Aston university), ‘Baubérot, Dagens and the future of laïcité’
Xavier Boniface (Université de Picardie Jules Verne), ‘Les services d’aumonerie et la laïcité en France’
Michael Kelly (University of Southampton), ‘Laïcité and the new French atheists’
15.30-16.00 COFFEE BREAK
16.00-17.30 laïcité: Historical Perspectives
Hervé Baudry (CHAM/Université nouvelle de Lisbonne), ‘Laïcité et athéisme : traduire Jean Meslier’
Melissa K Byrnes (Southwestern University), Harnessing Religion in the Service of empire: French Laïcité v.British Laissez-faire’
Burcu Gursel (Kirklareli University), ‘The Ruins, Revisited: C. F. Volney’s Revolutionary Anti-Religiosity and Ottoman-Turkish Constitutionalism’
17.30-18.30 Wine Reception
10.00-11.30 laïcité and Identity
Jennifer Guyver (McGill University), ‘Secularism/laïcité and Identity Making in Quebec’
Mayyada Kheir (CESOR,CNRS-EHESS), ‘Du français au français : le discours sur la laïcité entre France
et Québec’
Tim Verhoeven (Monash University, Australia)Secularism/Laïcité in a trans-Atlantic framework
11.30-12.00 COFFEE BREAK
12.00-13.30 Islam and Laïcité
Olivier Esteves (Lille 3), ‘Abdelmalek Sayad, historicizing a sociologist’s writings on laïcité’
Soufian Al Karjousli (SUPELEC), ‘L’histoire des religions à l’épreuve de la laïcité et du pluralisme, exemple de l’enseignement de l’histoire de l’islam de cinquième’
Nadia Kiwan (university of Aberdeen), ‘Islamic Secularism in Contemporary France: Malek Chebel’s islam des lumières project’
13.30 End of the conference
Posted By : Lisa Bernasek