Professor Andrew Higson keynote 6 November

Professor Andrew Higson, Greg Dyke Chair of Film and Television, University of York, will be delivering a keynote address at the ILC symposium New Directions for Research in Language and Culture on 6 November 2013. Registration has now closed for catering purposes, but all are welcome to attend the sessions.

New Directions inĀ Film Studies Research: Changes and Challenges

6 November 2013, 11:30-12:15

Chair: Professor Lucy Mazdon


I will address the challenge of doing film studies research in the context of two major sets of changes: firstly, changes in the HE environment, and secondly, changes in the nature of ‘cinema’ as we experience it, as a presence in our culture. In the first instance, Iā€™ll comment on the challenges of the current funding regime, the impact agenda, and the need to develop innovative ways of presenting our research. In the second instance, Iā€™ll consider four challenges facing the film studies community: the challenge of moving beyond the text, the challenge of moving beyond the national, the challenge of coming to terms with digital developments and the challenge of moving beyond ā€˜film studiesā€™.

Prof Andrew Higson

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