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Workshops, Page 2

Happy Christmas from the Music Department!

Music finalists Ella Garner and Sabine Russell report on our recent Christmas concert extravaganza (!): On Friday 8th December, the Music Department hosted our annual lunchtime Christmas concert at Turner Sims. We (Ella and Sabine) organised it this year, liaising with students throughout the department and bringing everyone together to create a showcase of wonderful festive talent. Continue reading →

Will Champion from Coldplay visits the Music Department!

Two of our first year Music students, Martina Stramaccioni and James Needs, reflect on a recent visit to the Department by Coldplay drummer Will Champion. Martina: “I found Will Champion’s visit a humbling experience. It was unbelievable that a musician as successful and well respected as him had taken time out of his busy schedule and come talk to us young musicians in person. As students, embarking upon our own musical journeys, the talk was inspiring. Continue reading →

Brilliant Bach with Blaze and Balding!

Second year BA Music student and violinist Columba Dromgoole-Cavazzi describes her experience of performing in a recent performance project: In the lunchtime concert on Friday 24th November, the string workshop and early music ensemble worked together for a performance of Brandenburg’s Fourth Concerto, and the beautiful aria ‘Erbarme dich, mein gott’ from Bach’s St. Matthew’s Passion. Continue reading →

Authentic tootling with the Prince Regent’s Band

Third year BA Music student David Child reports on a recent visit to Southampton by the Prince Regent’s Band: As a brass student, it was an absolute delight to listen to and meet the players of the highly reputable Prince Regent’s Band, who specialise in historic wind and brass chamber music in the period from the French revolution (1789) to the end of the First World War (1918). Continue reading →

Jack Wylie (Portico Quartet) ‘VIP Guest Talk’

On Friday 13th October, Jack Wylie from the group Portico Quartet visited the Southampton Music Department to deliver a ‘VIP Guest Talk’ about his career and approach to making music. 3rd-Year Music student Archie Combes tells us more: After performing a short solo set of soprano sax and electronic loop pedals, Jack talked extensively about how he forged a career in music whilst still being able to stay true to his own artist intentions. Continue reading →

The Loop Project – coming soon!

We are all looking forward to 3-5 February, when the Music Department will present a whole weekend of performances and workshops exploring musical loops. Leading jazz musicians Ivo Neame, Jasper Høiby and Jon Scott will join the HARTLEY Loop Orchestra to perform a major revision of Benjamin Oliver’s Loop Concerto, which was premiered by Neame and Kent County Youth Orchestra in 2013. Continue reading →

Rituals to Mould Her With – and workshop

By Jamie Howell, MMus Composition. On Monday 5th December the audience in Turner Sims were treated to an extraordinary new piece which seamlessly blended dance, live instrumental performance, electro-acoustic recordings and theatre. The work, entitled ‘Rituals To Mould Her With’, was a collaborative composition devised by composers Litha & Effy Efthymiou, harpsichordist Jane Chapman, actor Esmé Patey-Ford and dancer Harriet Parker-Beldeau. Continue reading →