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Maritime archaeology

An Ocean without History? CMA and SMMI Annual Lecture 24th March 17.45

This year the CMA turns 20, and as such we thought it a good time to take stock and think about what we do well and what we could improve on.  Out of this discussion came the desire to shine a brighter light on the research being conducted on maritime heritage (both within the  CMA and beyond) and to offer a space within which significant developments can be discussed. Continue reading →

CMA on the Road

IKUWA 2016 conference marked a special event for Southampton’s Centre for Maritime Archaeology. Over twenty of us attended the event in Fremantle, at the Western Australia Maritime Museum, held for four days, November 28 till December 2nd, 2016. The conference began with a UNESCO roundtable on the first day. Regional underwater cultural heritage issues were brought to light, and general concerns were expressed. Continue reading →

Winchelsea Medieval Port Project

New project at the ancient port of Winchelsea, East Sussex, to include geotechnical survey and an RTI survey of the Ship Graffiti in St. Thomas Church and the cellar underneath Blackfriars Barn. Find our more at the Medieval Ports, Ships and Sailors conference in Winchelsea on the 26th of April 2015. For more information, and to register, please email Continue reading →

Funded PhD Studentship

Applications are invited for a three-year PhD studentship in the Faculty of Humanities in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton. This studentship is funded through an SMMI Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Award, to start October 2015. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr Helen Farr (Archaeology), Prof Robert Marsh (Ocean and Earth Science) and Dr Ivan Haigh (Ocean and Earth Science). Continue reading →

Medieval Seafaring video up for BUFVC award.

Our MOOC (free online maritime archaeology course) film maker, Joe Brett, has been nominated for the British Universities Film and Video Council Learning on Screen Awards for the Courseware and Curriculum In-House Production section for ‘Medieval Seafaring’. The short video on ‘Medieval seafaring and shipbuilding‘ presented by Prof Jon Adams and starring some of our recent Masters graduates wielding adzes and axes was shot at Bucklers Hard, Beaulieau last spring. Continue reading →

Archaeology of Portus course – second run

Wearable camera being used on site at Portus The Archaeology of Portus Massive Open Online Course has just started again. There is still time for you to join the many thousands of people on this free course focused on our work at Portus. The port of Imperial Rome. Sign up via the FutureLearn Archaeology of Portus page. We have had an even greater number of learners enrolling than last year and have made modifications throughout the course. Continue reading →

Adriatic Without Borders

If you happen to be in Italy, why not pop along to the exhibition currently running at Castello di Udine?  The exhibition, Adriatico Senza Confini, showcases cultural contact around the Adriatic Sea between 6000-4000 BC and  includes work by Helen Farr on navigation and seafaring. It will be running until the 22 February 2015, see exhibition page above, or take a look at their facebook page. Continue reading →

The Sea and Me: Public Event 22nd Nov

Saturday 22nd November 10am – 5pm Free This event will bring together researchers, local cultural institutions, and the wider public for a series of talks, workshops, and hands-on activities around the theme of The Sea. We’ll be considering everything from pirates to shipwrecks to sound and the sea. As a port city, Southampton has a long history of interaction with the sea and the industries surrounding it. Continue reading →