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CGE Research Seminar on Wednesday 20th November: Undoing hyper-corrective practices in language teacher education – a critical reappraisal of ’emergent language’

The next Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar will take place on Wednesday 20th November 2019 from 5:00pm in Lecture Theatre B (room 1201), Building 65, Avenue Campus. The seminar will be presented by Martin Dewey from King’s College London and is entitled “Undoing hyper-corrective practices in language teacher education – a critical reappraisal of ’emergent language'”. Continue reading →

Next CLLEAR seminar: Examining multilingualism in adulthood: the initial stages and beyond – Wednesday 13th November

The next Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research (CLLEAR) seminar will take place on Wednesday 13th November 2019 at 5pm in Lecture Theatre B, Avenue Campus (Building 65). The talk is entitled “Examining multilingualism in adulthood: the initial stages and beyond” and will be delivered by Eloi Puig-Mayenco from the University of Southampton. Continue reading →

MLL/MeXsu Seminar on 6th November 2019

A Modern Languages and Linguistics (MLL) / Centre for Mexico-Southampton Collaboration (MeXsu) seminar will take place on Wednesday 6th November 2019 from 17:00-18:40 in Building 65 Room 1177 at Avenue Campus. The seminar is entitled “Producing Latinx identities in the census: A comparative analysis of ethnoracial and linguistic classification” and will be presented by Jennifer Leeman from George Mason University. Continue reading →

CGE Research Seminar on Wednesday 30th October: Global Englishes and transcultural communication: implications for theory and practice in ELT

The next Centre for Global Englishes (CGE) seminar will take place on Wednesday 30th October 2019 from 5:00pm in Lecture Theatre B (room 1201), Building 65, Avenue Campus. The seminar will be presented by Will Baker from the Centre for Global Englishes, Modern Languages and Linguistics at the University of Southampton and is entitled “Global Englishes and transcultural communication: implications for theory and practice in ELT”. Continue reading →

Welcome to the newly redesigned website!

Hello! Over the past year we have been working hard to redesign the Languages at Southampton blog site to make it more engaging and exciting! We hope you enjoy the new look! Also, we’ve recently launched a Facebook Page and an Instagram, which is dedicated to the language stories of our students. Please check them both out and let us know if you have any thoughts on our new changes! Instagram: https://www.facebook. Continue reading →