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Paper by Professor Roumyana Slabakova receives Albert Valdman award

Many congratulations to Professor Roumyana Slabakova from Modern Languages and Linguistics and her co-authors Tania Leal and Thomas Farmer, whose paper “The fine-tuning of linguistic expectations over the course of L2 learning” has been selected as one of two recipients of the Albert Valdman award, given for outstanding publication in Studies in Second Language Acquisition (CUP) for a publication appearing in 2017. Continue reading →

Southampton University Primary Languages (SUPL)

Our collaboration centres on research-informed practice and practice-informed research. Southampton Modern Languages & Linguistics researchers and primary school FL practitioners continue to collaborate to explore FL literacy practices through knowledge sharing and co-construction. Our 2017-18 workshops were funded by an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account award and we’ve just secured additional ESRC funding to continue these through 2018-19. Visit Continue reading →

Hong Kong adventures

While Rosie Shepherd was admiring the snow during her year abroad in Norway (see her post of 4 July), Jordan Stock headed for warmer climes. Read on for his impressions of his year in east Asia: It has now been nearly one year since I left the refuge of Southampton to travel to about as far as you can get on the other side of the world, Hong Kong. I can only sum up the year with one word: Wow. Continue reading →

Getting Together with Southampton Composers

Postgrad composer Andrew Fowler tells us about the composition-fest that rounded off the academic year: On the third and fourth of July, the University of Southampton played host to its annual composer’s ‘Get Together’, which consisted of talks and workshops aimed at sharing the work of composers affiliated with the university and guest musicians with one another. Unsurprisingly, the event was entirely successful in achieving its objective. Continue reading →

Welcome to our open days!

Welcome to everyone coming to the University of Southampton open days today! You can find out more about what’s on offer on the official University open day website and by following #UoSOpenDay on Twitter. You can also find out more from the Open Day Programme of events. Don’t forget you can also follow our Twitter account @ModernLangs and take a look at our departmental website. Continue reading →

My Year in Norway

Rosie Shepherd tells us about her life-changing experience during the study abroad year of her undergraduate Music course: At the beginning of August last year I embarked on a new adventure – packing up everything important to me and moving to Bergen, Norway to study for 10 months. To say those months have flown by would be an understatement, but the amount of knowledge, life experience and fantastic memories I have gained in that time have made it more than worth it. Continue reading →

Modern Languages and Linguistics outreach events this week

Modern Languages and Linguistics will be hosting two Outreach events this week as part of our commitment to engage with local secondary schools. On Wednesday 13th June, 120 Year 8 pupils will join us at Avenue Campus for a day full activities based on the Wearable Technology theme and language taster sessions in the afternoon when pupils will have the chance to try a new language. Continue reading →

Working in Music

As third year students are approaching the end of their course, finalist Emma Atkins looks back to a February workshop aimed at helping undergraduates think about career choices in music: As I’m interested in many different aspects of music, this careers day was extremely beneficial. When I graduate I hope to work in the business side of the music industry, particularly in music marketing. In addition, at some point in my career I hope to work on cruise ships. Continue reading →

See you at Ostia Antica

As part of a series of monthly meetings “Vediamoci a Ostia Antica” (See you at Ostia Antica) organised by the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, on the 11 September 2018 at 5pm Simon Keay, Cinzia Morelli and Renato Sebastiani will be speaking about “The Imperial port”. Download the programme The post See you at Ostia Antica appeared first on Portus Project. Continue reading →